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CRN NewsLetter
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 Volume V, Issue 5 October 2004  
What's new on the Web: CRN Cancer Counter WHAT’S NEW ON THE WEB?

We successfully launched the CRN Cancer Counter on the CRN web site after rigorous testing for several weeks. We have uploaded data from five HMOs in this first version of the CRN Cancer Counter. Everyone who has access to the CRN web site has access to the new cancer counter through a link on the home page—see the CRN cancer counter navigation button. We think you will find it very helpful in developing site selection strategies for proposals, as one example. Variables included in the counter are counts on primary site, morphology, stage, and vital status, among others. As you enter the Cancer Counter, you will be asked to specify a reason for your search query, which initiates a record of each visit to the cancer counter. The counter is virtually instantaneous for most queries.

As always, we would like to hear about any problems and challenges you may experience using the Cancer Counter, as well as comments on how the counter was helpful to you.

-Mark Hornbrook, KPNW

Ten Ways Increase Dissemination of CRN Research Results

Our work on the CRN is not complete until it is shared with other scientists and clinicians. Ideally, this should be done as rapidly as possible. Also, the number of publications is one yardstick by which the CRN will be judged. The CRN Publications Committee and PI’s office humbly offer the following suggestions to help investigators and project teams produce and disseminate research findings more efficiently.

  1. Develop a list of planned publications early in the life of the project, and update it regularly.

  2. Assign a lead author at the time a manuscript idea is added to the project team’s list of papers.

  3. Monitor progress of planned publications, and be clear about expectations of progress.

  4. Look for opportunities to develop methodologic papers—don’t wait for results to become available.

  5. Presentations should lead to publications within six months.

  6. Make data requests clear, focused and explicit, and supply table shells at the time of your request.

  7. Make project data available to others when the project team has developed its list of papers.

  8. Create a list of potential journals, so that if your submission is not accepted, you can quickly resubmit to the next journal on the list.

  9. Think globally, act locally. Support and enhance the efforts of your colleagues.

  10. And finally…
    Keep the PI’s office informed about primary and spin-off publications. Every little bit counts!

- Sarah Greene, GHC

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CRN Pilot Fund Applications

  • 10/14 - Abstracts due
  • 11/12 - Full applications due

CRN Monograph

  • 12/15 - Manuscripts due

Contact Chelsea Jenter,, for more information

AHRQ's co-sponsorship of the CRN offers additional confidentiality protections. However, it also requires that all CRN inves tigators and staff with access to CRN data sign a confidentiality agree-ment. This agreement is located on the CRN web site. We request the CRN Site Principal Investigators collect the agreements and send originals to the PI's office. Agreements are due by October 29, 2004.
Thank you!


CRN Connection

CRN Connection The CRN Connection is a publication of the CRN developed to inform and occasionally entertain CRN collaborators. It is produced with oversight from the CRN Communications Committee.

Contributors. . . . . . . . . . . . . Martin Brown, Terry Field,
.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . Ann Geiger, Sarah Greene,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mark Hornbrook, and Ed Wagner

Oversight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gary Ansell, Joann Baril,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Martin Brown, Sarah Greene, Chelsea Jenter,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gene Hart, Judy Mouchawar,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dennis Tolsma, and Ed Wagner

Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maurleen Davidson

Please send comments or suggestions on this newsletter to Maurleen Davidson, CRN Connection Editor, at All submissions are welcome!

Special thanks to all for your contirubtion in the publishing of this newsletter. Special end of the year issue coming in December.
National Institutes of Health Department of Health and Human Services