Getting Your Affairs in Order - Age Page - Health Information

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Aging Under the Microscope: A Biological Quest

Where gerontologists once looked for a single, all-encompassing theory to explain aging—a single gene, for instance, or the decline of the immune system—they are now finding multiple processes, combining and interacting on many levels. Cells, proteins, tissues, and organ systems are all involved, and gerontologists are now able to discern many more of the mechanisms by which these components cause or react to aging.

Covers: Front and back covers

Chapter 1: Posing Questions, Finding Answers

Chapter 2: The Genetic Connection

Chapter 3: Biochemistry and Aging

Chapter 4: Physiologic Clues

Chapter 5: The Future of Aging

Glossary: Glossary and Bibliography

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Web page last updated: December 30, 2005