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  • Xu J, McNeil B, Wu W, Nees D, Bai L, Wu LG. (2008) GTP-independent rapid and slow endocytosis at a central synapse, Nat Neurosci. 11(1), 45-53. Full Text/Abstract
  • He L, Wu LG. (2007) The debate on the kiss-and-run fusion at synapses., Trends in Neuroscience 30(9), 447-55 . Full Text/Abstract
  • Wu XS, Xue L, Mohan R, Paradiso K, Gillis KD, Wu LG. (2007) The origin of quantal size variation: vesicular glutamate concentration plays a significant role., J Neurosci. 27(11), 3046-56. Full Text/Abstract
  • Wu LG, Ryan TA, Lagnado L. (2007) Modes of vesicle retrieval at ribbon synapses, calyx-type synapses, and small central synapses, J Neurosci. 27(44), 11793-802. Full Text/Abstract
  • Xu J, He L, Wu LG. (2007) Role of Ca(2+) channels in short-term synaptic plasticity., Curr Opin Neurobiol. 17(3), 352-9. Full Text/Abstract
  • Wu W, Wu LG. (2007) Rapid bulk endocytosis and its kinetics of fission pore closure at a central synapse., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 104(24), 10234-9. Full Text/Abstract
  • He L, Wu XS, Mohan R, and Wu LG. (2006) Two modes of fusion pore openings revealed by cell-attached recordings at a synapse, Nature 444, 102-105. Full Text/Abstract
  • Xu J and Wu LG (2005) The decrease in the presynaptic calcium current is a major cause of short-term depression at a calyx-type synapse., Neuron 46, 633-645. Full Text/Abstract
  • Wu W, Xu J, Wu XS, Wu LG. (2005) acceleration of endocytosis at a ceActivity-dependent ntral synapse., J Neurosci. 25, 11676-11683. Full Text/Abstract
  • Sun JY, Wu XS, Wu W, Jin SX, Dondzillo A, Wu LG (2004) Capacitance measurements at the calyx of Held in the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body, J Neurosci Meth 134, 121-131. Full Text/Abstract
  • Wu XS, Evers AS, Crowder M, Wu LG (2004) Isoflurane inhibits transmitter release and the presynaptic action potential, Anesthesiology 100, 663-700 . Full Text/Abstract
  • Wu LG (2004) Kinetic regulation of vesicle endocytosis at synapses, Trends Neurosci 27, 548-554. Full Text/Abstract
  • Steinbach JH, Wu LG (2004) Synaptic transmission at the neuromuscular junction. in Anesthetic Pharmacology: Physiologic Principles and Clinical Practice, Evers AS and Maze M. Harcourt Health Sciences , 157-172.
  • Sun JY, Wu XS, Wu LG (2002) Single and multiple vesicle fusion induce different rates of endocytosis at a central synapse, Nature 417, 555-559 . Full Text/Abstract
  • Wu X, Wu LG (2001) Activation of protein kinase C enhances the release probability of the release machinery downstream of the binding between Ca2+ and its sensor, J Neurosci 21, 7928-7936. Full Text/Abstract
  • Sun JY Wu LG (2001) Fast kinetics of exocytosis revealed by simultaneous measurements of presynaptic capacitance and postsynaptic currents at a central synapse. , Neuron 30 , 171-82 . Full Text/Abstract
  • Kay AR Alfonso A Alford S Cline HT Holgado AM Sakmann B Snitsarev VA Stricker TP Takahashi M Wu LG (1999) Imaging synaptic activity in intact brain and slices with FM1-43 in C. elegans, lamprey, and rat. , Neuron 24 , 809-17 . Full Text/Abstract
  • Wu LG Borst JG (1999) The reduced release probability of releasable vesicles during recovery from short-term synaptic depression. , Neuron 23 , 821-832 . Full Text/Abstract
  • Wu LG, Westenbroek RE, Borst JGG, Catterall WA, Sakmann B (1999) Calcium channel types with distinct presynaptic localization couple differentially to transmitter release in single calyx-type synapses, J Neurosci 19, 726-736. Full Text/Abstract
  • Wu LG, Betz WJ (1999) Spatial variability in release at the frog neuromuscular junction measured with FM1-43, Can J Physiol Pharmacol 77, 672-678. Full Text/Abstract
  • Wu LG, Betz WJ (1998) Kinetics of synaptic depression and vesicle recycling after tetanic stimulation of frog motor nerve terminals, Biophys J 74, 3003-3009. Full Text/Abstract
  • Wu LG, Borst JGG, Sakmann B (1998) R-type Ca2+ currents evoke transmitter release in a rat central synapse, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 95, 4720-4725. Full Text/Abstract
  • Wu LG, Saggau P (1997) Presynaptic inhibition of elicited neurotransmitter release., Trends Neurosci 20, 204-212. Full Text/Abstract
  • Sinha SR, Wu LG, Saggau P (1997) Presynaptic calcium dynamics and transmitter release evoked by single action potentials at mammalian central synapses, Biophys J 72, 637-651. Full Text/Abstract
  • Wu LG, Betz WJ (1996) Nerve activity but not intracellular calcium determines the time course of endocytosis at the frog neuromuscular junction, Neuron 17, 769-779. Full Text/Abstract
  • Wu LG, Saggau P (1995) Block of multiple presynaptic calcium channel types by w‑conotoxin ‑MVIIC at hippocampal CA3 to CA1 synapses, J Neurophysiol 73, 1965-1972. Full Text/Abstract
  • Betz WJ, Wu LG (1995) Kinetics of synaptic vesicle recycling, Curr Biol 5, 1098-1101. Full Text/Abstract
  • Wu LG, Saggau P (1995) GABAB receptor-mediated presynaptic inhibition in guinea pig hippocampus is caused by reduction of presynaptic Ca2+ influx, J Physiol (Lond) 485, 649-657. Full Text/Abstract
  • Wu LG, Saggau P (1994) Presynaptic calcium is increased during normal synaptic transmission and paired‑pulse facilitation, but not in long‑term potentiation in area CA1 of hippocampus, J Neurosci 14, 645-654. Full Text/Abstract
  • Wu LG, Saggau P (1994) Pharmacological identification of two types of presynaptic voltage‑ dependent calcium channels at CA3 to CA1 synapses of the hippocampus, J Neurosci 14, 5613‑5622. Full Text/Abstract
  • Wu LG, Saggau P (1994) Adenosine inhibits evoked synaptic transmission primarily by reducing presynaptic calcium influx in area CA1 of hippocampus, Neuron 12, 1139‑1148. Full Text/Abstract