Search Tips & Advanced Search Options

Basic Search | Advanced Search

Basic Search

Enter a word or phrase into the search box, then press the search button. By default, the results will only contain pages which match ALL of your search terms.

Advanced Search Settings

Switching to "Advanced Search" enables a few advanced settings (see below). These settings will be turned off and reset to the default, once the "Advanced Search" mode is exited. Note: no searching occurs when switching modes.

Results Order Criteria

The search function uses these criteria to guess which results pages are most likely of interest to you. Pages that score highly according to the criteria are displayed closer to the top of the list than pages that don't. In addition, you can assign importance to each criterion. Pages that score highly for criteria more important to you rank higher than pages that score well for less important criteria. Setting a importance to 'off' prevents the criterion from affecting the order of results.

Criterion Results page score well (better if more importance is assigned to a criterion) if:
Order of keywords Search terms appear in the order entered, even if other words appear between the terms. (More on this on Webinator's manual pages.)
Proximity of keywords to each other Search terms appear closer to one another. (See the Proximity of Keywords option; also more on this on Webinator's manual pages)
Frequency of keywords on a page There are more occurrences of the search terms on a page. (More on this on Webinator's manual pages.)
Proximity keywords to top of the page Search terms occur closer to top of the the page. (More on this on Webinator's manual pages.)
Frequency keywords in entire site Search terms are rare throughout the entire site. (This criterion aims at placing more importance on rare words, which yield more specific results.) (More on this on Webinator's manual pages.)

Forms of Keywords

This option allows you to include variations of keywords in your search results. Options include:

See more information on this option on Webinator's manual pages.

Proximity of Keywords

Requires ALL of the search keywords to appear within the specified range. Ranges include: entire page (default), same paragraph, same sentence, or same line.

See more information on this option on Webinator's manual pages.

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