About Risk Factor Monitoring & Methods:
Mission of the Risk Factor Monitoring & Methods Branch
The Risk Factor Monitoring
and Methods Branch (RFMMB) is one of three branches in NCI's Applied
Research Program. The attached organization chart
shows RFMMB's position within NCI's structure.
Our mission is to contribute to reducing
cancer in the US population by serving as a critical link between
etiologic research on cancer risk factors and the translation of such
research into targeted and effective interventions for prevention. We
carry out our mission through work in three areas:
- monitoring cancer-related behaviors and other risk factors among the general population
and among selected population subgroups;
- developing and improving the methods of assessing such factors;
- providing data to assist in formulating public policies addressing
these factors.
Areas of Research
explains our work in greater detail. Surveys and Studies
describes ongoing projects supported by the Branch. Tools for Researchers
provides questionnaires, instruments, and databases we have developed or use in our research.
Publications and Research Summaries lists papers published by
our staff and provides summaries of key recent work.