[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 29, Volume 4]
[Revised as of July 1, 2008]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 29CFR1607.5]

[Page 214-216]
                             TITLE 29--LABOR
Sec. 1607.5  General standards for validity studies.

    A. Acceptable types of validity studies. For the purposes of 
satisfying these guidelines, users may rely upon criterion-related 
validity studies, content validity studies or construct validity 
studies, in accordance with the standards set forth in the technical 
standards of these guidelines, section 14 below. New strategies for 
showing the validity of selection procedures will be evaluated as they 
become accepted by the psychological profession.
    B. Criterion-related, content, and construct validity. Evidence of 
the validity of a test or other selection procedure by a criterion-
related validity study should consist of empirical data demonstrating 
that the selection procedure is predictive of or significantly 
correlated with important elements of job performance. See section 14B 
below. Evidence of the validity of a test or other selection procedure 
by a content validity study should consist of data showing that the 
content of the selection procedure is representative of important 
aspects of performance on the job for which the candidates are to be 
evaluated. See 14C below. Evidence of the validity of a test or other 
selection procedure through a construct validity study should consist of 
data showing that the procedure measures the degree to which candidates 
have identifiable characteristics which have been determined to be 
important in successful performance in the job for which the candidates 
are to be evaluated. See section 14D below.
    C. Guidelines are consistent with professional standards. The 
provisions of these guidelines relating to validation of selection 
procedures are intended to be consistent with generally accepted 
professional standards for evaluating standardized tests and other 
selection procedures, such as those described in the Standards for 
Educational and Psychological Tests prepared by a joint committee of the 
American Psychological Association, the American Educational Research 
Association, and the National Council on Measurement in Education 
(American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, 1974) (hereinafter 
``A.P.A. Standards'') and standard textbooks and journals in the field 
of personnel selection.
    D. Need for documentation of validity. For any selection procedure 
which is part of a selection process which has an adverse impact and 
which selection procedure has an adverse impact, each user should 
maintain and have available such documentation as is described in 
section 15 below.
    E. Accuracy and standardization. Validity studies should be carried 
out under conditions which assure insofar as possible the adequacy and 

[[Page 215]]

of the research and the report. Selection procedures should be 
administered and scored under standardized conditions.
    F. Caution against selection on basis of knowledges, skills, or 
ability learned in brief orientation period. In general, users should 
avoid making employment decisions on the basis of measures of 
knowledges, skills, or abilities which are normally learned in a brief 
orientation period, and which have an adverse impact.
    G. Method of use of selection procedures. The evidence of both the 
validity and utility of a selection procedure should support the method 
the user chooses for operational use of the procedure, if that method of 
use has a greater adverse impact than another method of use. Evidence 
which may be sufficient to support the use of a selection procedure on a 
pass/fail (screening) basis may be insufficient to support the use of 
the same procedure on a ranking basis under these guidelines. Thus, if a 
user decides to use a selection procedure on a ranking basis, and that 
method of use has a greater adverse impact than use on an appropriate 
pass/fail basis (see section 5H below), the user should have sufficient 
evidence of validity and utility to support the use on a ranking basis. 
See sections 3B, 14B (5) and (6), and 14C (8) and (9).
    H. Cutoff scores. Where cutoff scores are used, they should normally 
be set so as to be reasonable and consistent with normal expectations of 
acceptable proficiency within the work force. Where applicants are 
ranked on the basis of properly validated selection procedures and those 
applicants scoring below a higher cutoff score than appropriate in light 
of such expectations have little or no chance of being selected for 
employment, the higher cutoff score may be appropriate, but the degree 
of adverse impact should be considered.
    I. Use of selection procedures for higher level jobs. If job 
progression structures are so established that employees will probably, 
within a reasonable period of time and in a majority of cases, progress 
to a higher level, it may be considered that the applicants are being 
evaluated for a job or jobs at the higher level. However, where job 
progression is not so nearly automatic, or the time span is such that 
higher level jobs or employees' potential may be expected to change in 
significant ways, it should be considered that applicants are being 
evaluated for a job at or near the entry level. A ``reasonable period of 
time'' will vary for different jobs and employment situations but will 
seldom be more than 5 years. Use of selection procedures to evaluate 
applicants for a higher level job would not be appropriate:
    (1) If the majority of those remaining employed do not progress to 
the higher level job;
    (2) If there is a reason to doubt that the higher level job will 
continue to require essentially similar skills during the progression 
period; or
    (3) If the selection procedures measure knowledges, skills, or 
abilities required for advancement which would be expected to develop 
principally from the training or experience on the job.
    J. Interim use of selection procedures. Users may continue the use 
of a selection procedure which is not at the moment fully supported by 
the required evidence of validity, provided: (1) The user has available 
substantial evidence of validity, and (2) the user has in progress, when 
technically feasible, a study which is designed to produce the 
additional evidence required by these guidelines within a reasonable 
time. If such a study is not technically feasible, see section 6B. If 
the study does not demonstrate validity, this provision of these 
guidelines for interim use shall not constitute a defense in any action, 
nor shall it relieve the user of any obligations arising under Federal 
    K. Review of validity studies for currency. Whenever validity has 
been shown in accord with these guidelines for the use of a particular 
selection procedure for a job or group of jobs, additional studies need 
not be performed until such time as the validity study is subject to 
review as provided in section 3B above. There are no absolutes in the 
area of determining the currency of a validity study. All circumstances 
concerning the study, including the validation strategy used, and 
changes in the relevant labor market and the job

[[Page 216]]

should be considered in the determination of when a validity study is 