[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 29, Volume 4]
[Revised as of July 1, 2008]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 29CFR1607.17]

[Page 233-235]
                             TITLE 29--LABOR
Sec. 1607.17  Policy statement on affirmative action (see section 13B).

    The Equal Employment Opportunity Coordinating Council was 
established by act of Congress in 1972, and charged with responsibility 
for developing and implementing agreements and policies designed, among 
other things, to eliminate conflict and inconsistency among the agencies 
of the Federal Government responsible for administering Federal law 
prohibiting discrimination on grounds of race, color, sex, religion, and 
national origin. This statement is issued as an initial response to the 
requests of a number of State and local officials for clarification of 
the Government's policies concerning the role of affirmative action in 
the overall equal employment opportunity program. While the Coordinating 
Council's adoption of this statement expresses only the views of the 
signatory agencies concerning this important subject, the principles set 
forth below should serve as policy guidance for other Federal agencies 
as well.
    (1) Equal employment opportunity is the law of the land. In the 
public sector of our society this means that all persons, regardless of 
race, color, religion, sex, or national origin shall have equal access 
to positions in the public service limited only by their ability to do 
the job. There is ample evidence in all sectors of our society that such 
equal access frequently has been denied to members of certain groups 
because of their sex, racial, or ethnic characteristics. The remedy for 
such past and present discrimination is twofold.
    On the one hand, vigorous enforcement of the laws against 
discrimination is essential. But equally, and perhaps even more 
important are affirmative, voluntary efforts on the part of public 
employers to assure that positions in the public service are genuinely 
and equally accessible to qualified persons, without regard to their 
sex, racial, or ethnic characteristics. Without such efforts equal 
employment opportunity is no more than a wish. The importance of 
voluntary affirmative action on the part of employers is underscored by 
title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Executive Order 11246, and 
related laws and regulations--all of which emphasize voluntary action to 
achieve equal employment opportunity.
    As with most management objectives, a systematic plan based on sound 
organizational analysis and problem identification is crucial to the 
accomplishment of affirmative action objectives. For this reason, the 
Council urges all State and local governments to develop and implement 
results oriented affirmative action plans which deal with the problems 
so identified.

[[Page 234]]

    The following paragraphs are intended to assist State and local 
governments by illustrating the kinds of analyses and activities which 
may be appropriate for a public employer's voluntary affirmative action 
plan. This statement does not address remedies imposed after a finding 
of unlawful discrimination.
    (2) Voluntary affirmative action to assure equal employment 
opportunity is appropriate at any stage of the employment process. The 
first step in the construction of any affirmative action plan should be 
an analysis of the employer's work force to determine whether 
precentages of sex, race, or ethnic groups in individual job 
classifications are substantially similar to the precentages of those 
groups available in the relevant job market who possess the basic job-
related qualifications.
    When substantial disparities are found through such analyses, each 
element of the overall selection process should be examined to determine 
which elements operate to exclude persons on the basis of sex, race, or 
ethnic group. Such elements include, but are not limited to, 
recruitment, testing, ranking certification, interview, recommendations 
for selection, hiring, promotion, etc. The examination of each element 
of the selection process should at a minimum include a determination of 
its validity in predicting job performance.
    (3) When an employer has reason to believe that its selection 
procedures have the exclusionary effect described in paragraph 2 above, 
it should initiate affirmative steps to remedy the situation. Such 
steps, which in design and execution may be race, color, sex, or ethnic 
``conscious,'' include, but are not limited to, the following:
    (a) The establishment of a long-term goal, and short-range, interim 
goals and timetables for the specific job classifications, all of which 
should take into account the availability of basically qualified persons 
in the relevant job market;
    (b) A recruitment program designed to attract qualified members of 
the group in question;
    (c) A systematic effort to organize work and redesign jobs in ways 
that provide opportunities for persons lacking ``journeyman'' level 
knowledge or skills to enter and, with appropriate training, to progress 
in a career field;
    (d) Revamping selection instruments or procedures which have not yet 
been validated in order to reduce or eliminate exclusionary effects on 
particular groups in particular job classifications;
    (e) The initiation of measures designed to assure that members of 
the affected group who are qualified to perform the job are included 
within the pool of persons from which the selecting official makes the 
    (f) A systematic effort to provide career advancement training, both 
classroom and on-the-job, to employees locked into dead end jobs; and
    (g) The establishment of a system for regularly monitoring the 
effectiveness of the particular affirmative action program, and 
procedures for making timely adjustments in this program where 
effectiveness is not demonstrated.
    (4) The goal of any affirmative action plan should be achievement of 
genuine equal employment opportunity for all qualified persons. 
Selection under such plans should be based upon the ability of the 
applicant(s) to do the work. Such plans should not require the selection 
of the unqualified, or the unneeded, nor should they require the 
selection of persons on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, or 
national origin. Moreover, while the Council believes that this 
statement should serve to assist State and local employers, as well as 
Federal agencies, it recognizes that affirmative action cannot be viewed 
as a standardized program which must be accomplished in the same way at 
all times in all places.

Accordingly, the Council has not attempted to set forth here either the 
minimum or maximum voluntary steps that employers may take to deal with 
their respective situations. Rather, the Council recognizes that under 
applicable authorities, State and local employers have flexibility to 
formulate affirmative action plans that are best suited to their 
particular situations. In this manner, the Council believes that 
affirmative action programs will best serve the goal of equal employment 

[[Page 235]]

    Respectfully submitted,

                                                   Harold R. Tyler, Jr.,
Deputy Attorney General and Chairman of the Equal Employment 
Coordinating Council.
                                                      Michael H. Moskow,
Under Secretary of Labor.
                                                       Ethel Bent Walsh,
Acting Chairman, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
                                                      Robert E. Hampton,
Chairman, Civil Service Commission.
                                                     Arthur E. Flemming,
Chairman, Commission on Civil Rights.

    Because of its equal employment opportunity responsibilities under 
the State and Local Government Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972 (the 
revenue sharing act), the Department of Treasury was invited to 
participate in the formulation of this policy statement; and it concurs 
and joins in the adoption of this policy statement.

    Done this 26th day of August 1976.

                                                       Richard Albrecht,
                                                        General Counsel,
                                             Department of the Treasury.