National Institutes of Health


Office of Human Resources


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Miscellaneous Provisions

Hours of Duty

Physicians and dentists employed on a full-time basis are assigned to work a normal tour of 80 hours per pay period. In addition, they are considered to be on-call during off-hours over the remaining 24 hour period, 7 days a week. Part-time physicians and dentists must work a minimum of 20 hours per pay period to be eligible for PDP.

Physicians and dentists who receive PDP may not:

Leave Provisions

Physicians and dentists who receive PDP continue to be covered by regular Title 5 leave provisions. Sick leave and annual leave are earned and accrued on a pay period basis.

Outside Work

Because of the work obligation associated with PDP, physicians and dentists who wish to perform outside work must submit a prior written request for approval of outside activity under established NIH procedures. Any activity interfering or conflicting with the employee's work obligation will be disapproved.

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