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School Personnel


Find out more about diabetes in children and adolescents and get the tools and resources to help them manage their diabetes.

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When Your Child is Diagnosed with Diabetes: Parents' Questions for the Health Care Team

This NDEP resource contains questions about diabetes and its management to help families talk to the health care team and learn about their child's diabetes care needs. The resource provides online links to information related to the questions' answers.

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Helping the Student with Diabetes Succeed

Use this comprehensive guide designed to empower school personnel, parents, and students to create a safe learning environment and equal access to educational opportunities for all children with diabetes. To learn more, read these in-depth articles from School Nurse News on topics related to helping students manage their diabetes. See Other Resources section below for companion training modules.

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Tools to Promote the School Guide

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Tip Sheets for Teens with Diabetes

This engaging series of tip sheets provides useful information about diabetes and encourages teens to take action to manage their disease for a long and healthy life. Written in clear and simple language, the tip sheets are helpful for anyone who has diabetes and his or her loved ones.

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Tips for Teens: Lower Your Risk for Type 2 Diabetes

This bright, easy-to-read tip sheet encourages teens to take steps to lower their risk for type 2 diabetes. It provides advice about how to reach a healthy weight and lead an active lifestyle. Healthy food and activity guides are included.

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Consejos para Muchachos con Diabetes tipo 2

Updated 2005

Spanish versions of Tips for Kids with type 2 Diabetes. Colorful, reproducible tip sheets about managing diabetes for kids and their families. Topics include:

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Move It! And Reduce Risk of Diabetes School Kit

This kit contains three posters of American Indian/Alaskan Native youth engaging in fun, healthful physical activity, fact sheets, resource lists and stories from schools that have used the materials to start Move It programs. The kit features customizable resources, along with an extensive CD-ROM with supporting materials and references.

Move It! School Kit (pdf* 4.2MB)

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Overview of Diabetes in Children and Adolescents

This informative online overview provides primary health care providers and the media with an update on the subject of diabetes in children and adolescents. It addresses the different types of diabetes, current epidemiological data on the scope of the problem, testing criteria to help identify type 2 diabetes in children early, and the latest science-based clinical practice recommendations for blood glucose goals, treating hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia, and for monitoring complications and reducing the risk or heart attack and stroke. Included are topics on family support, transition to independence, diabetes at school, and information about camps and support groups. A summary of current research, a list of resources, and online links to other materials are provided.

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Resource Directory: Diabetes in Children and Adolescents

This web-based directory provides links to governmental, educational, and voluntary organizations and resources related to diabetes and children and adolescent health.

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As science moves forward, more is learned about diabetes in children and adolescents. This online resource provides an overview of recent articles in the field that are published as consensus statements, commentaries or editorials, epidemiology or review articles, or articles related to diabetes prevention or treatment.

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Other Resources:

Diabetes Care Tasks at School: What Key Personnel Need to Know
These companion training modules, developed by the American Diabetes Association, provide health care professionals with instructional slides to help train school personnel on the diabetes care tasks outlined in the NDEP school guide.

Diabetes Prevention Materials
Download free diabetes prevention materials.

Diabetes Control Materials
Download free diabetes control materials.

National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse
Take a look at all of the additional resources the NIDDK has to offer.


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