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Disease/Syndrome Kidney cancer
Category Cancer, Occupational
Acute/Chronic Chronic
Synonyms Malignant neoplasm of kidney, other, and unspecified urinary organs; Renal cancer; Kidney cancer; Cancer of kidney; Renal neoplasms
Biomedical References Search PubMed
Comments "Kidney cancer, in contrast to bladder cancer, is generally not considered an occupation-related cancer, but associations have been reported with asbestos in several studies. [Adami, p. 478] The relationship between occupational exposures and kidney cancer is poorly understood. Increased risks have been reported in the following industries: coke production, iron and steel production, chimney sweeping, nickel smelting, lead smelting, dry cleaning, oil refining, textile production, electric power, farming, printing. Also in the following jobs: tailors, firefighters, painters, gasoline station attendants, truck drivers, and workers exposed to asbestos. [Ward, p. 294]
Latency/Incubation Years to decades
Diagnostic Biopsy
ICD-9 Code 189
Reference Link Kidney : BC Cancer Agency
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Agents Hazardous agents that cause the occupational disease:

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Last updated: September, 2008