NIH Consultation Meeting on Peer Review with Advocacy Groups

Invitation to Present

Time will be provided during a segment of the meeting for participant volunteers to make brief presentations to offer specific strategies or tactics for enhancing NIH peer review and research support. In particular, we are seeking bold, unconventional approaches to perceived issues. Depending on the response, it may be necessary for us to select a subset of speakers to avoid redundancy and to remain within time constraints. Moreover, as shown on the agenda, most of the meeting will be devoted to open discussion, so there will be substantial opportunity to direct input at the meeting. If you would like to be considered for a presentation on the day of the meeting, please forward your proposal to Dr. Vesna Kutlesic ( by COB Tuesday, October 16, 2007, with a brief (<250 word) summary of your recommendations. Please note the majority of meeting time will be devoted to open discussion, so there will be additional opportunities to offer input. Finally, we want to take this opportunity to remind you to visit (, for a listing of our core peer review questions.

This page was last reviewed on October 12, 2007.
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