Policy on Release of Old Cases with Update Requests
Investigators who are currently using SEER-Medicare data have contacted NCI and IMS to
inquire about obtaining updated files to include data for more current cases. If
investigators request updated data, they should be aware that IMS will send them new data
for all cases, not just the new cases. Several researchers have asked why they are
receiving new data for all cases instead of data for the new cases only.
Many years ago, IMS tried releasing data only for the updated cases. There were major
difficulties for IMS and for the researchers who were trying to use these files, as the
differing versions of the data set did not reconcile. There are several reasons that
different versions of the SEER-Medicare data do not reconcile. SEER and CMS are constantly
updating their data bases. As a result, with each update of the linkage there are slight
differences in which patients are in the SEER or the Medicare data. Some old cases will
no longer be in the data; some new cases from earlier years will now be found. In
addition, the layouts of the Medicare files change. This makes it difficult to append
data from a recent version of the SEER-Medicare data to earlier versions of the
In order to minimize the production costs of SEER-Medicare files, IMS has created
standardized data extraction programs that allow for the selection of cases based on
cancer site(s) and years of diagnosis. From IMS' earlier experience, the additional
programming required to reconcile cases between old and new linkages is time consuming and
results in longer processing time. In the long run, trying to append the two data sets is
more costly than producing the entire data set de novo.