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Search and Browse Medical Textbooks Online with Stat!Ref

Stat!Ref is an online resource that combines the content of several medical textbooks: AJCC Cancer Staging Handbook (2002), DeGowin's Diagnostic Examination (2004), Delmar's Guide to Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests (2002), Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations (2005), DrugPoints® System, Fitzpatrick's Color Atlas and Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology (2005), Review of General Psychiatry (2000), Rudolph's Pediatrics (2003), Taber's® Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary (2005), and Williams Obstetrics (2005).

Researchers have the option to search all titles or selected titles. The system suggests related concepts as a means of expanding the search, and it displays links to search results in four related sources: Stedman's Medical Dictionary, MedCalc 3000, PubMed®, and the National Guideline Clearinghouse.

A full-text version of each title is available for researchers who prefer to browse.

To access Stat!Ref, go to the NIH Library Databases webpage.

For assistance, email nihlibrary@nih.gov or call Reference & Information Services at 301-496-1080.

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