National Cancer Institute
Health Services & Economics Branch
Cancer Control and Population Sciences


SEER-Medicare: File Sizes & Distribution

Data will be sent to investigators on CDs or DVDs. Researchers pay a set fee for the cost of the media. The number of CDs or DVDs required will vary according to the number of years requested and the size of the requested site file. In general, the number of CDs required is seven times the number of DVDs.

The data files will be encrypted using WinZip (256bit AES encryption) and password-protected. The data files will also be compressed using the GZIP compression utility. A program will be made available to unzip the files onto the user's PC in the directory that the user specifies. The PC must be equipped with Windows NT, Windows 95 or later. GUNZIP is necessary to unzip the files if using a UNIX or Linux machine.

The following table provides some examples from recent productions. Numbers provided are estimates of files sizes in gigabytes, number of CDs and number of DVDs for one major cancer site (lung) and for four major cancer sites combined (breast, colorectal, lung and prostate). Also shown are estimates and media requirements for the entire cancer and non-cancer databases. These estimates are for unzipped files.

1 Major Cancer Site 4 Major Cancer Sites Full Cancer Database 5% Non-Cancer Database
File Size (GB) CDs DVDs Size (GB) CDs DVDs Size (GB) CDs DVDs Size (GB) CDs DVDs
0.66 1.09 0.15 3.04 5.03 0.69 4.80 7.93 1.09 --� --� --
--� --� --� --� --� --� --� --� --� 0.60 0.99 0.14
MEDPAR 86-04
1.19 1.96 0.27 4.05 6.69 0.92 6.46 10.67 1.47 1.39 2.29 0.32
HHA 91-04
1.17 1.94 0.27 6.67 11.01 1.52 10.57 17.45 2.40 3.12 5.15 0.71
Hospice 91-04
0.22 0.37 0.05 0.63 1.04 0.14 1.13 1.87 0.26 0.10 0.17 0.02
2.72 4.49 0.62 12.59 20.80 2.86 19.61 32.39 4.46 3.56 5.87 0.81
2.92 4.82 0.66 13.81 22.81 3.14 21.44 35.41 4.87 3.97 6.56 0.90
2.87 4.74 0.65 13.81 22.81 3.14 21.42 35.39 4.87 4.14 6.84 0.94
2.89 4.78 0.66 14.01 23.15 3.18 21.82 36.05 4.96 4.40 7.27 1.00
2.85 4.71 0.65 14.10 23.29 3.20 21.90 36.18 4.98 4.61 7.62 1.05
2.78 4.59 0.63 13.94 23.02 3.17 21.72 35.87 4.94 4.78 7.90 1.09
2.68 4.42 0.61 13.75 22.71 3.12 21.41 35.36 4.87 4.88 8.07 1.11
2.66 4.40 0.60 14.10 23.29 3.20 21.93 36.22 4.98 5.21 8.60 1.18
2.58 4.27 0.59 14.10 23.29 3.20 21.92 36.22 4.98 5.52 9.12 1.25
3.02 4.98 0.69 15.46 25.55 3.51 24.08 39.78 5.47 5.95 9.84 1.35
3.11 5.14 0.71 16.59 27.40 3.77 25.80 42.62 5.86 6.40 10.57 1.45
2.99 4.94 0.68 17.43 28.78 3.96 26.99 44.58 6.13 7.03 11.61 1.60
1.66 2.74 0.38 14.88 24.59 3.38 22.70 37.50 5.16 7.45 12.31 1.69
1.45 2.40 0.33 13.32 22.01 3.03 20.61 34.05 4.69 7.93 13.10 1.80
0.69 1.14 0.16 3.21 5.30 0.73 5.00 8.26 1.14 0.81 1.34 0.18
0.75 1.24 0.17 3.58 5.92 0.81 5.56 9.19 1.26 0.93 1.53 0.21
0.78 1.29 0.18 3.73 6.15 0.85 5.81 9.60 1.32 1.03 1.70 0.23
0.83 1.37 0.19 3.95 6.53 0.90 6.18 10.21 1.40 1.15 1.91 0.26
0.88 1.45 0.20 4.28 7.06 0.97 6.70 11.07 1.52 1.31 2.16 0.30
0.91 1.51 0.21 4.54 7.50 1.03 7.14 11.79 1.62 1.47 2.42 0.33
0.91 1.51 0.21 4.69 7.74 1.07 7.35 12.14 1.67 1.59 2.62 0.36
0.96 1.59 0.22 5.17 8.55 1.18 8.15 13.46 1.85 1.83 3.02 0.42
1.02 1.68 0.23 5.79 9.57 1.32 9.08 15.00 2.06 2.17 3.58 0.49
1.23 2.03 0.28 6.73 11.11 1.53 10.56 17.44 2.40 2.50 4.13 0.57
1.29 2.13 0.29 7.42 12.26 1.69 11.64 19.23 2.65 2.74 4.52 0.62
1.28 2.12 0.29 8.19 13.53 1.86 12.83 21.20 2.92 3.18 5.26 0.72
0.73 1.20 0.17 7.00 11.56 1.59 10.94 18.07 2.49 3.41 5.64 0.78
0.65 1.07 0.15 6.61 10.93 1.50 10.26 16.96 2.33 3.72 6.15 0.85
DME 94-04
1.19 1.96 0.27 5.27 8.71 1.20 8.01 13.23 1.82 2.20 3.64 0.50

Last modified:
18 Jan 2008
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