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Nutritional Science Research Group

Publications and Presentations

Journal Articles


Davis, C.D. and Milner, J.A. Diet, physical activity and cancer prevention. In: Desktop Nutrition Guide for Physicians, submitted.

Davis, C.D. and Milner, J.A. Gastrointestinal microflora, bioactive dietary components and cancer prevention. Int. J. Cancer Prev., in press.

Davis, C.D. Nutritional interactions for cancer prevention. In: Herbal Drugs: A Cancer Preventive and Therapeutic Perspective, in press.

Davis, C.D. Vitamin D and cancer- current dilemmas and future research needs. Am. J. Clin. Nutr, in press.

Kim, YS and Maruvada, P. Frointiers in Metabolomics for Cancer Research: Proceedings of a National Cancer Institute Workshop. Metabolomics (in print) 2008.

Kim, YS, Maruvada, P, and Milner, JA. Metabolomics in biomarker discovery: future uses for cancer prevention. Future Oncology, 4: 93-102, 2008.

Milner, J., Trujillo, E.B., Kaefer, C.M. and Ross, S.: Nutrigenomics. In: Biosocial Surveys. Committee on Advances in Collecting and Utilizing Biological Indicators and Genetic Information in Social Science Surveys. Maxine Weinstein, James W. Vaupel, and Kenneth W. Wachter, (Eds.), Committee on Population, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. National Research Council. The National Academies Press, Washington, DC, 2008.

Seifried H. and Milner J., 2008 "Antioxidants in Health and Disease" Chapter 16 in "Nutrition in the Prevention and Treatment of Disease" Second Edition eds. Ann M. Coulston and Carol J. Boushey, Ppg 249-267 Elsevier Inc, Boston, MA.

Trujillo EB, Milner JA. Nutrition and Cancer Prevention: An Overview. In: Watson, RR, ed. Handbook of Nutrition in the Aged, 4th Edition. CRC Press (in press).

Trujillo EB, Robinson MK. Parenteral nutrition in adults. In: Rakel RE, ed. Conn’s Current Therapy, Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders Co., 2009 (in press).

Wang, T.Y., Hudson, T.S., Wang, T-C, Kim, Y.S., Seifried, H.E. Vinyard, B, Perkins, S.N., and Hursting, S.D. 2008 "Differential Effects of Resveratrol on Androgen_responsive LNCaP Human Prostate Cancer Cell In Vitro and In Vivo" Carcinogenesis (in press).

Wang, TTY, Hudson, TS, Wang T, Remsberg, CM, Davies, NM, Takahashi, Y, Kim, YS, Seifried, H, Vinyard, BT, Perkins, SN, and Hursting, SD. Differential Effects of Resveratrol on Androgen-responsive LNCaP Human Prostate Cancer Cell In Vitro and In Vivo, (in print) Carcinogenesis, 2008.


Asad U, Emenaker NJ and LA Milner. Colorectal Cancer Prevention: The Role of Probiotics. Chapter in Handbook of Probiotics. 2007. CRC Press

Bernhard Hennig, Adrienne S. Ettinger, Ronald J. Jandacek, Sung Koo, Craig McClain, Harold Seifried, Allen Silverstone, Bruce Watkins, Claudia Thompson, and William A. Suk 2007 "Using nutrition for intervention and prevention against environmental chemical toxicity and associated diseases” Environ. Health Perspect 115:493-5.

Davis, C.D. and Dwyer, J.T. The “sunshine vitamin”: benefits beyond bone? J. Natl. Cancer Inst., 99:1563-1565, 2007.

Davis, C.D. and Milner, J.A. Biomarkers for cancer and diet prevention research: potentials and challenges. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 28:1262-1273, 2007.

Davis, C.D. and Milner, J.A. Molecular targets for nutritional preemption of cancer. Current Cancer Drug Targets, 7:410-415, 2007.

Davis, C.D. Mechanisms for the cancer protective effects of bioactive dietary components in fruits and vegetables. In: Handbook of Nutrition and Food, CRC Press, pp. 1187-1210, 2007.

Davis, C.D. Nutrigenomics and the prevention of colon cancer. Pharmacogenomics, 8:121-124, 2007.

Davis, C.D. Nutritional preemption: creedentialing of molecular targets for cancer prevention. Exp. Biol. Med, 232: 176-183, 2007.

Davis, C.D., Hartmuller, V., Freedman, M., Hartge, P., Picciano, M.F., Swanson, C. and Milner, J.A. Vitamin D and cancer: current dilemmas and future needs. Nutr. Rev., 65:S71-S74, 2007.

Davis, C.D., Ross, S.A.: Dietary components impact histone modifications and cancer risk. Nutr Rev 65:88-94, 2007.

Emenaker NJ and JA Milner. Designing Studies and Rodent Models for Studying Prebiotics for Colorectal Cancer Prevention. Chapter In Handbook of Probiotics. 2007. CRC Press.

Emenaker NJ. Nutrigenetics: Intersection of Human Genetics with Nutrition Practice for Disease Prevention? ADA Research Dietetic Practice Group Newsletter lead article for issue, Summer 2007.

Harold Seifried, Darrell Anderson, Evan Fisher, John Milner, 2007 "A Review of the Interaction Among Dietary Antioxidants and Reactive Oxygen Species" J Nutr Biochem 18:567-579 Epub March 13.

Omar A, Emenaker NJ and LA Milner. Colorectal Cancer Prevention: The Role of Probiotics. Chapter in Handbook of Probiotics. 2007. CRC Press.

Pogribny, I.P., Tryndyak, V.P., Muskhelishvili, L., Rusyn, I. and Ross S.A.: Methyl deficiency, alterations in global histone modifications, and carcinogenesis. J Nutr 137:216S-222S, 2007.

Pogribny, I.P., Bagnyukova, T.V., Tryndyak, V.P., Muskhelishvili, L., Rodriguez-Juarez, R., Kovalchuk, O., Han, T., Fuscoe, J.C., Ross, S.A., and Beland, F.A.: Gene expression profiling reveals underlying molecular mechanisms of the early stages of tamoxifen-induced rat hepatocarcinogenesis. Tox App Pharm 225:61-69, 2007.

Ross, S.A. and Milner, J.A.: Garlic: The Mystical Food in Health Promotion. In: Handbook of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods, Second Edition. Wildman, R.E.C. (Ed.), CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, Boca Rotan, FL. pp 73-99, 2007.

Ross, S.A., Milner, J.A.: Epigenetic modulation and cancer: effect of metabolic syndrome? Amer J Clin Nutr 86:S872-S877, 2007.

Ross, S.A.: Nutritional genomic approaches to cancer prevention research. Exp Oncol 29:250-256, 2007.

Seifried, HE 2007"Oxidative Stress and Antioxidants: a link to disease and prevention?" J Nutr Biochem 18: 168-71.

Tanumihardjo SA, Anderson C, Martha Kaufer-Horwitz M, Bode L, Emenaker NJ, Haqq A, Satia JA, Silver HJ and D Stadler. Poverty, Obesity and Malnutrition: An International Perspective Recognizing the Paradox. JADA 107(11):1966-72. 2007.

Tryndyak, V.P., Kovalchuk, O., Muskhelishvili, L., Montgomery, B., Rodriguez-Juarez, R., Melnyk, S., Ross, S.A., Beland, F.A., Pogribny, I.P.: Epigenetic reprogramming of liver cells in tamoxifen-induced rat hepatocarcinogenesis. Mol Carcinog 46:187-97, 2007.

Uthus, E.O., Ross S.A.: Dietary selenium affects homocysteine metabolism differently in Fisher-344 rats and CD-1 mice. J Nutr 137:1132-1136, 2007.

Whittaker, P., Clarke, J.J., San, R.H.C., Betz, J.M., Seifried, H.E. De Jager,L.S., Dunkel, V.C. 2008 "Evaluation of kava extracts and kavalactone standards for mutagenicity and toxicity" Food Chem Toxicol 46:168-74 Epub 2007 Jul 31.


Carlson, B.A., Xu, X-M., Shrimali, R., Sengupta, A., Yoo, M.-H.; Zhong, N., Hatfield, D.L., Irons, R., Davis, C.D.; Lee, B.J., Novoselov, S.V. and Gladyshev, V.N. Mouse models for assessing the role of selenium in health and development. In: Selenium. Its Molecular Biology and Role in Human Health, Springer Science, pp 333-342, 2006.

Cope, K.A.; Milner, J.; Seifried, R.M.; Seifried, H.E.; Harrison, E.H. (2006). Effects of garlic ingestion in humans on the formation of urinary nitrosoproline in humans Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry (submitted July).

Davis C. Mechanisms for the cancer protective effects of bioactive dietary components in fruits and vegetables. In Handbook of Nutrition and Food (2nd ed.). In press.

Davis C. Nutritional pre-emption: credentialing of molecular targets for cancer prevention. Experimental Biology and Medicine. In Press.

Davis, C.D. and Milner, J.A. Evolving 'omics' approaches for elucidating the role of selenium and selenoproteins in cancer prevention, In: Selenium: Its Molecular Biology and Role in Human Health, Springer Science, pp 367-378, 2006.

Emenaker N., Milner J. Eating for cancer prevention. A molecular approach. Agro Food industry hi-tech. 17(3):24-26, 2006.

Honnig B., Ettinger A., Jandacek R., Hoo S., McClain C., Seifried H., Silverstone A., Watkins B., Thompson C., Sak W. Using nutrition for intervention and protection against environmental chemical toxicity and associated diseases. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. In press.

Irons R., Carlson B.A., Hatfield, D.L. and Davis C.D.. Both selenoproteins and low molecular weight selenocompounds reduce colon cancer risk in mice with genetically impaired selenoprotein expression. J Nutr. 2006 May;136(5):1311-7.

Kavanaough C., Seifried H., Ellwood K., Yetley E., Swanson C., Milner J. A research agenda for biomarkers as indicators of cancer risk reduction following dietary manipulation. J Nutr. 2006; 136(10S); 2666S-7S.

Milner J. Diet and cancer: facts and controversies. Nutrition and Cancer. In press.

Milner J.A.. Preclinical perspectives on garlic and cancer. J Nutr. 2006 Mar;136(3 Suppl):827S-831S.

Pogribny I., Ross S.A., Tryndyak V.P., Progribna M., Poirer L.A., Karpinets T.V.. Histone H3 lysine 9 and H4 lysine 20 trimethylation and the expression of Suv4-20h2 and Suv-39h1 histone methyltransferases in hepatocarcinogenesis induced by methyl deficiency in rats. Carcinogenesis. 2006 Jun;27(6):1180-6.

Pogribny I., Ross S.A., Wise C., Progribna M., Jones E.A., Tryndyak V.P., James S.J., Dragan Y.P., Poirer L.A. Irreversible global DNA hypomethylation as a key step in hepatocarcinogenesis induced by dietary methyl deficiency. Mutat Res. 2006 Jan 29;593(1-2):80-7.

Ross S.A., Finley J.W., Milner J.A.. Allyl sulfur compounds from garlic modulate aberrant crypt formation. J Nutr. 2006 Mar;136(3 Suppl):852S-854S.

Ross S., Milner J. Garlic: the mystical food in health promotion. In Baer, Dubowska, Bartoszek, Malejka-Giganti (eds.), Handbook of Neutraceuticals and Functional Foods (2nd ed). Taylor and Francis Group. In press.

Seifried, H.E. (2006) Oxidative Stress and Antioxidants: a link to disease and prevention? J Nutr Biochem. In press.

Seifried H., Anderson D., Fisher E., Milner J., (2006) A Review of the Interaction Among Dietary Antioxidants and Reactive Oxygen Species. J Nutr Biochem. In press.

Seifried H., Anderson A., Milner J., Greenwald P. (2006) "Reactive Oxygen Species and Dietary Antioxidants:Double-Edged Swords?", in "New Developments in Antioxidant Research." ppg 1-25 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 400 Oser Avenue, Suite 1600 Hauppauge, NY 11788.

Seifried H.E., Seifried R.M., Clarke J.J., Junghans T.B., San R.H. A compilation of two decades of mutagenicity test results with the Ames Salmonella typhimurium and L5178Y mouse lymphoma cell mutation assays. Chem Res Toxicol. 2006 May;19(5):627-44.

Takahashi Y., Lavigne J.A., Hursting S.D., Chandramouli G.V., Perkins S.N., Kim Y.S., Wang T.T. Molecular signatures of soy_derived phytochemicals in androgen_responsive prostate cancer cells: A comparison study using DNA microarray. Mol Carcinog. 45:943-56, 2006.

Trujillo E.B., Davis C., Milner J. Nutrigenomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and the practice of dietetics. J Am Diet Assoc. 2006;106:403-413.

Trujillo E.B., Nebeling L. Carbohydrates, Protein and Fat Metabolism. In: Ellicott L, Molseed L, Davis McCallum P, Grant B (eds). The Clinical Guide to Oncology Nutrition. Chicago, IL: American Dietetic Association Publishers, 2006.

Tryndyak V., Kovalchuk L., Montgomery B., Rodriquez-Juarez S., Melnyk S., Ross S., Beland F., Pogribny I. Epigenetic reprogramming of liver cells in tamoxifen-induced rat hepatocarcinogenesis. Molecular Carcinogenesis. In press.

Tryndyak VP., Muskhelishvili L., Kovalchuk O., Rodriquez-Juarez R., Montgomery B., Churchwell M.I., Ross S.A., Beland F., Pogribny I. Effect of long-term tamoxifen exposure on genotoxic and epigenetic changes in rat liver: implications for tamoxifen-induced hepatocarcinogenesis. Carcinogenesis. 27:1713-1720, 2006.

Uthus, E.O., Ross, S.A. and Davis, C.D.: Differential Effects of Dietary Selenium (Se) and Folate on Methyl Metabolism in Liver and Colon of Rats. Biol Trace Elem Res. 109:201-214, 2006.

Wang T.T., Milner M.J., Milner J.A., Kim Y.S. Estrogen receptor alpha as a target for indole-3-carbinol. J Nutr Biochem. 2006 Oct;17(10):659-64.

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Clarke, J.J., Whittaker, P.,San,R.H.C. Seifried, H.E., and Dunkel,V.C., 2005 "Mutagenicity Of Chromium Picolinate And Its Components In Salmonella Typhimurium and L5178Y Mouse Lymphoma Cells" Abstract - Environmental Mutagen Society Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis September (San Francisco, CA).

Davis, C.D., Clevidence, B., Swanson, C.A., Ziegler, R.G., Dwyer, J.T. and Milner, J.A. A research agenda for lycopene/tomato supplementation and cancer prevention. J. Nutr., 135: 2074s, 2005.

Davis, C.D. and Hord, N.G. Nutritional 'Omics' Technologies for Elucidating the Role(s) of Bioactive Food Components in Colon Cancer Prevention. J. Nutr., 135: 2694-2697, 2005.

Davis, C.D. and Irons, R. Are selenoproteins important for the cancer protective effects of selenium? Current Nutrition Reviews, 1: 201-214, 2005.

Davis, C.D. and Milner, J.A. Diet and cancer prevention, In: 2nd Edition of Nutrition in Health, Humana Press Inc., pp. 151-171, 2005.

Davis, C.D., Swanson, C.A., Ziegler, R.G., Clevidence, B., Dwyer, J.T. and Milner, J.A. Executive summary report. J. Nutr., 135: 2014s-2029s, 2005.

Jones, C., Trujillo E.B. Eating for Lower Cholesterol: A Balanced Approach to Heart Health with Recipes Everyone will Love. New York: Marlowe and Co., 2005.

Kaput, J. Ordovas, J.M., Ferguson, L., van Ommen, B., Rodriguez, R.L., Allen, L., Ames, B.N., Dawson, K., German, B., Krauss, R., Malyj W., Archer, M.C., Barnes, S., Bartholomew, A., Birk, R., van Bladeren, P., Bradford, K.J., Brown, K.H., Caetano, R., Castle, D., Chadwick, R., Clarke, S., Clement, K., Cooney, C.A., Corella, D., Manica da Cruz, I.B., Daniel, H., Duster, T., Ebbesson, S.O.E., Elliott, R., Fairweather-Tait S., Felton J., Fenech, M., Finley, J.W., Fogg-Johnson, N., Gill-Garrison, R., Gibney, M. J., Gillies, P.J., Gustafsson, J.A., Hartman IV, J.L., He, L., Hwang, J.-K., Jais, J.-P., Jang, Y., Joost, H., Junien, C., Kanter, M., Kibbe, W.A., Koletzko, B., Korf, B.R., Kornman, K., Krempin, D.W., Langin, D., Lauren, D.R., Lee, J.H., Leveille, G.A., Lin, S.-J., Mathers, J., Mayne, M., McNabb, W., Milner, J.A., Morgan, P., Muller, M., Nikolsky, Y., van der Ouderaa, F., Park, T., Pensel, N., Perez-Jimenez, F., Poutanen, K., Roberts, M., Saris, W.H.M., Schuster, G., Shelling, A.N., Simopoulos, A.P., Southon, S., Tai, E.S., Towne, B., Trayhurn, P., Uauy, R., Visek, W.J., Warden, C., Weiss, R., Wiencke, J., Winkler, J., Wolff, G.L., Zhao-Wilson, X., Zucker, J.-D. The case for strategic international alliances to harness nutritional genomics for public and personal health. Br J Nut, 2005 Nov; 94(5), 623-632.

Kim, YS and Milner, JA. Targets for indole-3-carbinol in cancer prevention. J Nutr Biochem. 16:65-73, 2005.

Percival SS, Nelson SA, Milner JA. Workshop executive summary report. J Nutr. 2005 Dec;135(12):2898S-2920S.

Percival SS, Milner JA. Opportunities for research. J Nutr. 2005 Dec;135(12):2921S-2923S.

Pervical SS, Milner, JA. Challenges and opportunities for support of nutritional science conferences and scientific meetings at National Institutes of Health.
J Nutr. 2005 Aug;135(8):2006-8.

Smeltzer, A and Kim, YS. The Effects of Bioactive Food Components on p53 Pathway in Cancer Prevention. Nutrition Today, 40: 50-53, 2005.

Trujillo EB, Bergerson S, Graf J, Michael M. Cancer. In: The Science and Practice of Nutrition Support: A Case-Based Core Curriculum, Silver Spring, MD: A.S.P.E.N. Publishers, 2005.

Uthus, E.O. and Davis, C.D. Dietary arsenic affects dimethylhydrazine-induced aberrant crypt formation and hepatic global DNA methylation and DNA methyltransferase activity Biol. Trace Element Res., 103: 133-145, 2005.

Wang TT, Milner MJ, Milner JA, Kim YS. Estrogen receptor alpha as a target for indole-3-carbinol. J Nutr Biochem. 2006 Oct;17(10):659-64. Epub 2005 Nov 28.

Whittaker, P.,Dunkel,V.C.,, Seifried, H.E., San,R.H.C. and Clarke, J.J. 2005 "Mutagenicity Of Chromium Picolinate And Its Components In Salmonella Typhimurium and L5178Y Mouse Lymphoma" Abstract - Association of Official Analytical Chemists Annual meeting September (Orlando Florida).

Whittaker P, San RH, Clarke JJ, Seifried HE, Dunkel VC. Mutagenicity of chromium picolinate and its components in Salmonella typhimurium and L5178Y mouse lymphoma cells. Food Chem Toxicol. 2005 Nov;43(11):1619-25.

Whittaker, P.,San,R.H.C. Seifried, H.E., and Dunkel,V.C., 2005 "Mutagenicity Of the Dietary Supplement Chromium Picolinate And Its Components In Salmonella Typhimurium And L5178Y Mouse Lymphoma Cells " Food Chem Toxicol 43:1619_25.

Zeisel SH, Freake HC, Bauman DE, Bier DM, Burrin DG, German JB, Klein S, Marquis GS, Milner JA, Pelto GH, Rasmussen KM. The nutritional phenotype in the age of metabolomics. J Nutr. 2005 Jul;135(7):1613-6.

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Debski B., Milner J.A. Dietary selenium supplementation prolongs pentobarbital induced hypnosis. J Nutr Biochem. 2004 Sep;15(9):548-53.

Davis, C.D. and Milner, J.A. Frontiers in Nutrigenetics, Nutrigenomics, Proteomics, Metabolomics and Cancer Prevention. Mutat. Res., 551: 51-64, 2004.

Davis, C.D. and Uthus, E.O. Nutrient interactions, DNA methylation and cancer susceptibility. Exp. Biol. Med., 229: 988-995, 2004.

German J.B., Bauman D.E., Burrin D.G., Failla M.L., Freake H.C., King J.C., Klein S., Milner J.A., Pelto G.H., Rasmussen K.M., Zeisel S.H. Metabolomics in the opening decade of the 21st century: building the roads to individualized health. J Nutr. 2004 Oct;134(10):2729-32.

Junghans, T.B., Sevin, I.F., Ionin, B and Seifried H 2004 "Cancer Information Resources: Digital and Online Sources" Toxicology 198:177-93.

Milner, J.A. 2003. Incorporating Basic Nutrition Science into Health Interventions for Cancer Prevention. J Nutr 133(11 Suppl 1):3820S-3826S. Milner, JA Molecular Targets for Bioactive Food Components. J. Nutr. 2004 134:2492S-8S.

Milner, J.A., Debski, B. 2004. Dietary Selenium Supplementation Prolongs Pentobarbital Induced Hynosis. J Nutr Biochem. 2004 Sep;15(9):548-53.

Prentice, R.L., Willett, W.C., Greenwald, P., Alberts, D., Bernstein, L., Boyd, N.F., Byers, T. Clinton, S.K., Fraser, G., Freedman, L., Hunter, D., Kipnis, V., Kolonel, L.N., Kristal, B.S., Kristal, A., Lampe, J.W., McTiernan, A., Milner, J.A., Pattersonb, R.E., Potter, J., Riboli, E., Schatzkin, A., Yates, A. 2004 Nutrition, Physical Activity and Chronic Disease Prevention: Research Strategies and Recommendations. Cancer Research. J Natl Cancer Inst. Sep 1;96(17):1276-87.

Rosenfeld S., Wang T., Kim Y., and Milner J. Numerical Deconvolution of cDNA Microarray Signal: Simulation Study. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1020:110-123, 2004.

Ross, S.A., Srinivas, P.R., Clifford, A.J., Lee, S.C., Philbert, M.A., Hettich, R.L. New technologies for nutrition research. J Nutr.134:681-5, 2004.

Seifried, H.E., Anderson, D.E., Sorkin, B.C., Costello, R.B. 2004 "Free radicals: the pros and cons of antioxidants. Executive summary report." J Nutr.;134:3143S-3163S.

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Davis, C.D. Can Exfoliated Cells Be Useful For Predicting Responses To Bioactive Food Components in Cells of Target Tissues? J. Nutr., 133: 1769-1772, 2003.

Davis, C.D. Low dietary copper increases fecal free radical production and fecal water alkaline phosphatase activity and cytotoxicity in healthy men. J. Nutr., 133: 522-527, 2003.

Davis, C.D. Selenium and cancer prevention. In: Beneficial Effect of Selenium on Cancer Prevention and Health. Korean Assoc. Cancer Res., pp. 42-56, 2003.

Davis, C.D. and Finley, J.W. Chemical versus food forms of selenium in cancer prevention. In: Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals in Cancer Prevention and Treatment. Iowa State University Press, pp. 55-85, 2003.

Davis, C.D. and Uthus, E.O. Dietary folate and selenium affect dimethylhydrazine-induced aberrant crypt formation, global DNA methylation and one-carbon metabolism in rats. J. Nutr., 133: 2907-2914, 2003.

Davis, C.D. and Uthus, E.O. Does dietary selenium affect plasma homocysteine concentrations in humans? J. Nutr., 133: 2392 (letter).

Debski, B., Milner, J.A., Beelman, R.B. 2003. Increased Postharvest Peroxidase Activity in Selenium Enriched Mushrooms Agaricus Bisporus. Metabolizm. 934-939.

Finley, J.W., Penland, J.G., Petit, R.E. and Davis, C.D. Dietary Manganese Intake and Lipid Source Alter Manganese Absorption and Retention But Do Not Affect Clinical or Neuropsychological Measures in Healthy Young Women. J. Nutr., 133: 2849-2856, 2003.

Hine, R.J., Srivastava, S., Milner, J.A. and Ross, S.A.: Nutritional links to plausible mechanisms underlying pancreatic cancer: a conference report. Pancreas. 27:356-66, 2003.

Kim, YS and Milner JA. Nutritional Genomics and Proteomics in Cancer Prevention: Introduction. J Nutr. 133(7 Suppl):2399S, 2003.

Knowles LM, Milner JA. 2003 Diallyl Disulfide Induces ERK Phosphorylation and Alters Gene Expression Profiles in Human Colon Tumor Cells. J Nutr. 133(9):2901-6.

Milner JA, Allison RG, Elliott JG, Go VL, Miller GA, Rock C, Roy R, Wargovich MJ. 2003 Opportunities and challenges for future nutrition research in cancer prevention: a panel discussion. J Nutr.133(7 Suppl):2502S-2504S.

Milner, J A. Incorporating Basic Nutrition Science Into Health Interventions for Cancer Prevention. J. Nutr. 133(11 Suppl 1):3820S-3826S.

Robinson MK, Trujillo EB, Mogensen KM, Rounds J, McManus K, Jacobs DO. Improving nutritional screening of hospitalized patients: the role of prealbumin JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr 2003;27(6):389-95.

Ross, S.A.: Diet and DNA Methylation Interactions in Cancer Prevention. Ann NY Acad Sci. 983:197-207, 2003.

Seifried, H.E., McDonald, S.S., Anderson, D.E., Greenwald, P, Milner, J.A. 2003 "The Antioxidant Conundrum in Cancer" Cancer Research August 63(15):4295_8.

Trujillo EB, Robinson MK. Nutritional Support in the Care of the Critically Ill, Clarksville, MD: Wolf Rinke Associates, Inc., 2003.

Verma, M., Dunn, B.K., Ross, S., Jain, P., Wang, W., Hayes, R. and Umar, A.: Early detection and risk assessment: proceedings and recommendations from the Workshop on Epigenetics in Cancer Prevention. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 983:298-319, 2003.

Zeng, H.E. and Davis, C.D. Down-regulation of the PCNA gene expression occurs during cell cycle arrest induced by human fecal water in colonic HT-29 cells. J. Nutr., 133: 2682-2687, 2003.

Zeng, H., Davis, C.D. and Finley, J.W. Effect of selenium-enriched broccoli diet on differential gene expression in min mouse liver. J. Nutrl. Biochem., 14: 227-231, 2003.

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Banuelos, G.S., Vickerman, D.B., Trumble, J.T., Shannon, M.C., Davis, C.D., Finley, J.W. and Mayland, H.F. Biotransfer possibilities of selenium from plants used in phytoremediation. Int. J. Phytoremediation., 4: 315-329, 2002.

Davis, C.D. and Johnson, W.T. Dietary Copper Affects Azoxymethane-Induced Intestinal Tumor Formation and Protein Kinase C Isozyme Protein and mRNA Expression in Colon of Rats. J. Nutr., 132: 1918-1025, 2002.

Davis, C.D. and Uthus, E.O. Dietary Selenium and Azadeoxycytidine Treatment Affect Dimethylhydrazine-Induced Aberrant Crypt Formation in Rat Colon and DNA Methylation in HT-29 Cells. J. Nutr. , 132: 292-297, 2002.

Davis, C.D., Zeng, H. and Finley, J.W. Selenium-Enriched Broccoli Decreases Intestinal Tumorigenesis in Multiple Intestinal Neoplasia (Min) Mice. J. Nutr., 132: 307-309, 2002.

Greenwald P, Milner JA, Anderson DE, McDonald SS. 2002. Micronutrients in cancer chemoprevention. Cancer Metastasis Rev.;21(3-4):217-30.

Harbell, J., Dunkel, V.C., San, R., Seifried, H.E., and Cameron, T.P. 2002 "Gentoxicity of Naphthenate Salts in the Salmonella/Mammalian-Microsome Assay and Mouse Lymphoma TK+/- Assay" Mutation Research (in Press).

Junghans, T.J., Sevin, I.F., Ionin, B. and Seifried, H. 2002 "Cancer Information Resources: Digital and Online Sources" Toxicology 173:13-34.

Milner JA. 2002 Functional foods and health: a US perspective. Br J Nutr. Nov;88 Suppl 2:S151-8.

Milner JA. 2002 Identification of Molecular Targets and Biomarkers for Disease Resistance. Nutr Today. 37(4):179-180.

Milner JA. 2002Strategies for cancer prevention: the role of diet. Br J Nutr. 87 Suppl 2:S265-72.

Milner, JA, McDonald, S., Anderson, D. and Greenwald, P. [2002] Micronutrients in Cancer Chemoprevention. Cancer Metastasis Rev. 21(3-4):217-30.

Milner, JA, McDonald, S., Anderson, D. and Greenwald, P. 2002. Molecular Targets for Nutrients Involved in Cancer Prevention. Nutr and Cancer 41(1-2):1-16.

Ross, S.A. and Poirier, L.: Proceedings of the Trans-HHS Workshop: Diet, DNA Methylation Processes and Health. J Nutr. 132:2329S-32S, 2002.

Uthus, E.O., Yokoi, K. and Davis, C.D. Selenium deprivation in Fischer-344 rats results in decreased plasma and tissue homocysteine concentrations and an altered plasma homocysteine and cysteine redox status. J. Nutr., 132: 1122-1128, 2002.

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Davis, C.D. and Johnson, W.T. Dietary copper and dimethylhydrazine affect protein kinase C protein and mRNA expression and the formation of aberrant crypts in colon of rats. Biofactors. 15: 11-26, 2001.

Davis, C.D. and Uthus, E.U. Dietary selenium and arsenic affect DNA methylation in Caco-2 cells and in rats. J. Nutr. 131, 1872, 2001. (Letter).

Finley, J.W. and Davis, C.D. Manganese absorption and retention in rats is affected by the degree of saturation of dietary fat. Biol. Trace Elem. Res. 82: 143-158, 2001.

Finley, J.W. and Davis, C.D. Selenium (Se) from high selenium broccoli is utilized differently than selenite, selenate and selenomethionine, but is more effective in inhibiting colon carcinogenesis. Biofactors, 14, 191-196, 2001.

Finley, J.W., Ip, C., Lisk, D.J., Davis, C.D., Hintze, K.J. and Whanger, P.D. Investigations on the cancer-protective properties of high-Se broccoli. J. Agric. Food. Chem. 49, 2679-2683, 2001.

Harbell, J., Dunkel, V.C., San, R., Seifried, H.E. and Cameron, T.P. 2001 "Gentoxicity of Naphthenate Salts in the Salmonella/Mammalian-Microsome Assay and Mouse Lymphoma TK+/-Assay" Environmental and Molecular Mutatagenesis (in Press).

Kim, Y.S. and Milner J., "Molecular Targets for Selenium in Cancer Prevention", Nutrition and Cancer 40: 50-54, 2001.

Milne, D.B., Davis, C.D. and Nielsen, F.H. Low dietary zinc alters indices of copper function and status in postmenopausal women. Nutrition 17: 701-708, 2001.

Song K, Milner JA 2001 The influence of heating on the anticancer properties of garlic. J Nutr; 131(3):1054S-7S.

Whittaker, P., Seifried, H.E., San, R., Clarke, J., and Dunkel, V.C., 2001 "Genotoxicity of iron chelators in L5178Y Mouse Lymphoma cells" Environmental and Molecular Mutatagenesis 38:347-356.

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Davis, C.D. Diet and Carcinogenesis. In: Vegetables and Herbs in Health Promotion. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, pp. 273-291, 2000.

Davis, C.D., Milne, D.B. and Nielsen, F.H. Changes in dietary zinc and copper affect zinc-status indicators of postmenopausal women, notably, extracellular superoxide dismutase and amyloid precursor proteins. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 71: 781-788, 2000.

Davis, C.D. and Newman, S. Inadequate dietary copper increases tumorigenesis in the Min mouse. Cancer Lett. 159:57-62, 2000.

Davis, C.D., Uthus, E.O. and Finley, J.W. Dietary selenium and arsenic affect DNA methylation in Caco-2 cells and in rats. J. Nutr. 130:2903-2909, 2000.

Doong H, Price J, Kim YS, Gasbarre C, Probst J, Liotta LA, Blanchette J, Rizzo K, Kohn E. CAIR_1/BAG_3 forms an EGF_regulated ternary complex with phospholipase C_gamma and Hsp70/Hsc70. Oncogene 19: 4385-95, 2000.

Finley, J.W. Davis, C.D. and Feng, Y. Selenium from high-selenium broccoli protects rats from colon cancer. J. Nutr. 130: 2384-2389, 2000.

Greenwald, P., and Milner J. Nutrition: A Major Player in Chronic Diseases. The Chronicle of Higher Education 2000.

Greenwald, P., Milner JA, Clifford CK 2000 Creating a new paradigm in nutrition research within the National Cancer Institute. J Nutr; 130(12):3103-5.

Knowles, L. and Milner, J.A. 2000. Diallyl Disulfide Increases Cyclin B1 Protein Expression, Decreases p34cdc2 Complex Formation and Hyperphosphorylates p34cdc2 in Human Colon Tumor Cells. Carcinogenesis;21(6):1129-34.

Knowles LM, Milner JA 2000. Allyl sulfides modify cell growth. Drug Metabol Drug Interact;17(1-4):81-107.

Nielsen, F.H., Davis, C.D. and Milne, D.B. Low dietary zinc and copper negatively affect plasma and urine indicators of bone health. Proc. N.D. Acad. Sci. 54: 39, 2000.

Penland, J.G., Milne, D.B. and Davis, C.D. Moderately high zinc intake impairs verbal memory of healthy postmenopausal women on a low copper diet. In: Trace Elements in Man and Animals 10, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 2000. pp. 1025-1030.

Ross, S.: Functional foods: the Food and Drug Administration perspective. Amer J Clin Nutr. 71(suppl):1735S-1738S, 2000.

Ross, S.A., McCaffery, P.J., Drager, U.C., and De Luca, L.M.: Retinoids in embryonal development.: Physiol Reviews. 80:1021-1054, 2000.

Uthus, E.O., Gao, J., Finley, J.W. , Davis, C.D. and Nielsen, F.H. Selenium status affects arsenic deprivation in rats. Proc. Sixth Intl. Symp. Metal Ions in Biol. and Med. 6: 254-256, 2000.

Contributing Author to Federal Register Publication: Food Labeling: Health Claims: Plant Sterol/Stanol Esters and Coronary Heart Disease. Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, Interim Final Rule. Federal Register 65 (# 175) Friday, September 8, 2000: 54686-54739.

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Publications Archives

Cameron, T.P., Rogers-Back, A.M., Lawlor, T.E., Harbell, J.W., Seifried, H.E., and Dunkel, V.C. 1991. "Gentoxicity of Multifunctional Acrylates in the Salmonella/Mammalian-Microsome Assay and Mouse Lymphoma TK+/-Assay" Environmental and Molecular Mutatagenesis 17:264-271.

Chandrasekharappa S.C., Guru S.C., Manickam P., Olufemi S.E., Collins F.S., Emmert Buck M.R., Debelenko, L.V., Zhuang Z.A., Lubensky I.A., Liotta L.A., Wang Y., Roe B.A., Weisemann J., Boguski M.S., Agarwal S.K., Kester M.B., Kim Y.S., et al., "Positional cloning of the gene for multiple endocrine neoplasia-type 1." Science 276: 404-407, 1997.

Dunkel, V.C. San, R., Harbell, J., Seifried, H.E., and Cameron, T.P. 1992. "Evaluation of the Mutagenicity of an N-nitroso Contaminant of the Sunscreen Padimate O: N-Nitroso-N-methyl-p-aminobenzoic acid, 2-ethylhexyl ester (NPABAO)" Environmental and Molecular Mutatagenesis 20:188-198.

Dunkel, V.C., San, R.H., Seifried, H.E., Whittaker, P., "Gentoxicity of iron compounds in Salmonella typhimurium and L5178Y mouse lymphoma cells." Environmental and Molecular Mutatagenesis 1999;33 (1):28-41.

Kelloff, G.J., Crowell, J.A., Hawk, E.T., Steele, V.E. et al 1996. "Strategy and planning for chemopreventive drug development: clinical development plans II." J. Cell. Biochem. Supplement 25:54-71

Kim Y.S., Burns A.L., Goldsmith P.K., Heppner C., Park S.Y., Chandrasekharappa S.C., Collins F.S., Spiegel A.M., and Marx S.J., "Stable overexpression of MEN 1 suppresses tumorigenicity of RAS." Oncogene 18: 5936-5942, 1999.

Kohn E.C., Jacobs W., Kim Y.S. et al., "Calcium influx modulates expression of matrix metalloproteinase-2 (72 kDa type IV collagenase, gelatinase A)." J. Biol. Chem. 269: 21505-21511, 1994.

Seifried, H.E., 1986. "Eye Irritation Testing: Historical Perspectives and Future Directions." J. Toxicol. - Cutaneous and Occular Toxicol. 5(2): 89-114.

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Presentations by Nutritional Science Staff

Diet and Epigenetics (ppt, 4.10MB), Sharon Ross Ph.D., M.P.H.

Tea and Tea Polyphenols in Cancer Prevention (ppt, 5.23MB), Sharon Ross Ph.D., M.P.H.

RFA CA-04-004 and CA-03-003: Molecular Targets For Nutrients In Prostate Cancer Prevention (ppt, 56KB), Young S. Kim, Ph.D.

RFA CA-03-016: Diet, DNA Methylation and Other Epigenetic Events, and Cancer Prevention (ppt, 1.06MB)

RFA CA-03-001: Collaborations on Nutritional Modulation of Genetic Pathways Leading to Cancer (ppt, 108KB), J.A. Milner, Ph.D.

Minutes from the U54 Application Briefing (pdf, 18KB)

Questions from the U54 Application Briefing (pdf, 17KB)

Genomics, Nutritional and the Real World (ppt, 9.14MB), J.A. Milner, Ph.D.

Diet and Functional Foods: Inhibitors of the Cancer Process? (ppt, 1.86MB), Harold Seifried, Ph.D.

Life After Graduate School: Working in Government March 31, 2001 (ppt, 1.18MB), Sharon Ross, Ph.D.

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Evidence Based Reviews

These documents are issued by the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences. The Food and Nutrition Board addresses issues of safety, quality, and adequacy of the food supply; establishes principles and guidelines of adequate dietary intake; and renders authoritative judgments on the relationships among food intake, nutrition, and health.


Calcium and Related Nutrients

Folate and Other B Vitamins

Antioxidants and Related Nutrients

Trace Elements (e.g., Vitamins A and K, iron and zinc)

Macronutrients (e.g., protein, fat and carbohydrates)

Water and Electrolytes (e.g., potassium, sodium, chloride)

The Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Cancer (AHRQ report)

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