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My NCBI via PubMed

  • stores search strategies which may be run to receive an updated list of references at any time.
  • generates automatic email updates.
  • groups your retrieval by topics of interest to you.

Create a My NCBI Account
Note: If you had an active account with PubMed Cubby, your user name and password will still work. Unused accounts (since July 2003) have been inactivated.

  • Click the "Register for an account" link in the sign in box.
  • Enter a user name and password that you would like to use.
  • Set the security question and answer. Be sure to enter an email address to enable email updates.
  • Enter the search terms in the search box at the top of the screen.  (Help with PubMed searching.)
  • When the search results appear, a " Save Search" link will appear next to the Go button.
  • A dialog box will appear, letting you name your search and asking if you'd like to receive email updates.
  • Established accounts may access My NCBI by clicking "My NCBI" under "PubMed Services" in the blue bar on the left.


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