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NIH Employee Benefits - Additional Benefits Information

Overview for Prospective Federal Employees of Federal Benefits

This fact sheet provides a brief overview of the benefits to which you are entitled or which you may elect to take advantage of - Employment Benefits for Permanent Employees.

Benefits Information for New Federal Employees

The following fact sheet provides all the information you need to research and enroll in your Federal benefits as a new Federal employee - NIH Employee Benefits - Benefits Information for New Federal Employees

Designations of Beneficiary

You may complete a Designation of Beneficiary form for Unpaid Compensation, Life Insurance, Retirement, and the Thrift Savings Plan if you want the payment upon your death to go to someone other than the person(s) entitled under the normal Order of Precedence (OPM). Make sure your designations are up to date - a designation may still be valid, even if your family situation has changed. For instance, if you designated your spouse and you have since gotten divorced, your former spouse is still your beneficiary unless you file a new Designation of Beneficiary, either canceling the previous one or designating someone else.

Impact of a Change in Work Schedule on Federal Benefits: Change from Full Time to Part Time

This fact sheet will discuss the impact of your work schedule on your Federal benefits. At the end of the document is a chart reflecting an example of a full-time work schedule as compared to a part time work schedule - Fact Sheet.

Military Fact Sheet - Rights & Benefits of Employees Who Perform Active Military Duty