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All About the Nucleotide BLAST Tool


CGAP has taken the NCBI Basic BLAST tool and modified the interface to ask if an unknown DNA sequence is similar to a sequence in a human or mouse UniGene cluster. The user can vary the e-value and limit the number of results to generate a BLAST Results page, where each matched sequence is linked to GenBank and a Gene Info page.

How to Use the BLAST Tool

Search Field Options
Organism Select either "human" or "mouse" to limit the search to UniGene sequences from one organism.
E-valueSimply stated, the E-value or expectation value is a measure of the significance of each "hit". The smaller the number, the greater the likelihood the match did NOT occur by chance. See NCBI's Statistics of Sequence Similarity Scores for an in-depth discussion of e-values.
Number of resultsVaries the number of results that are returned in a search.
SequencePaste the nucleotide sequence into the box.

The BLAST Results

The results are returned as an ordered list of sequences, with the most likely "hits" listed first. For each found sequence, the following information is provided:

  • The linked GenBank accession number
  • The e-value
  • The gene symbol
  • The gene title
  • A link to the Gene Info page

    For an in-depth understanding of BLAST please refer to BLAST Information

Return to Nucleotide BLAST

If you have any questions, comments, or need information about CGAP, please contact the NCI CGAP Help Desk.