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Prenatal Breastfeeding Education Classes

Prenatal Education classes are open to all women working at NIH who have registered for the Worksite Lactation Program. There is no cost for participation. The classes are designed to complement the classes offered by your hospital or childbirth educator. The series consists of two classes: "Breastfeeding and Return to Work" and "How to Get Started with Breastfeeding?" The classes will be offered at the locations, dates and times listed below.

Breastfeeding and Return to Work - In this class, we will discuss resources available at NIH and in the community to help you be successful with breastfeeding, how to choose the right breast pump to meet your needs and some general information about how to continue to breastfeed once you return to work. Come and have your questions answered by our board certified lactation consultants.

How to Get Started with Breastfeeding? - In this class, we will discuss how the body makes breast milk and the basic techniques you need to know to get off to a successful start with breastfeeding. We will also discuss why you should avoid artificial nipples in the early weeks and how to prevent and/or manage some of the common problems women face in the early weeks of breastfeeding.

Class Schedule

All classes are held from Noon to 1:00 p.m. in Building 31.

Please indicate in the comments section of your registration form the class and date you would like to attend.

2008 Classes
"Breastfeeding and Return to Work"
"How to Get Started with Breastfeeding?"
January 10
Bldg. 31/6C Room 7
January 17
Bldg 31/ 6C Room7
March 5
Bldg 31/6C Room 7
March 12
Bldg 31/6C Room 7
May 8
Bldg 31/ 6c Room 8
May 13
Bldg. 31/6C Room 7
July 9
Bldg 31/6C Room 7
July 16
Bldg 31/ 6C Room 7
Sept 9
Bldg 31/ A wing Room 2
Sept 18
Bldg 31/ 6C Room 7
Nov 5
Bldg 31/ 6C Room 7
Nov 12
Bldg 31/6C Room 7