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January 13, 2009
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House Resolutions - 108th Congress

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H. Con. Res. 314—Women with Bleeding Disorders

On October 29, 2003, Representative Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) introduced S. Con. Res. 314, a concurrent resolution expressing the support of Congress for activities to increase Federal activity regarding women and bleeding disorders. The resolution would 1) ask for further research to identify a more accurate laboratory test for von Willebrand's disease; 2) increase funding for basic biomedical and psychosocial research on von Willebrand's disease, rare blood disorders, and hemophilia; and 3) continue to improve access to treatment centers for all individuals with bleeding disorders. The resolution also states, “the Director of NIH should take a leadership role in the fight against bleeding disorders in women by acting through appropriate offices within the NIH.” H. Con Res. 314 was referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.

Legislative Update (December 2003): Women's Health



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