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Aron Primack, M.A., M.D., F.A.C.P.

Program Officer, Division of International Training and Research


Non-peer reviewed

Recent advances in malignant melanoma research in Uganda
Gallico GE; Vogel CL; Kiryabuire JWM; Primack A; Dhru D; Kamya GWS. Uganda Med J 1973;2:9

Management of hepatocellular carcinoma at the Uganda Cancer Institute
Primack A. Uganda Med J 1972:1:41-44

Insulin and growth hormone response to an oral glucose load in Ugandan hepatocellular carcinoma patients
Primack A; Kajubi S. East African Medical Journal 1974;51:571-5

Cultural background and medical care
Primack A. Urban Health 1984,Jan;13:22-9

The Gospel According to the Voice of Experience, in Field Training In Applied Anthropology
Primack A. Cohen L and Ready T, eds. Catholic University Press, 1984

Health and Safety Handbook for Niger
Primack A. US Peace Corps. 1991

Health Manual for Chad. US Peace Corps
Primack A. et al., 1992

Wellness Manual for Mali
Primack A. et al. , Peace Corp. 1992

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Health Survey Study and Report
Primack, A. Peace Corps. 1993

Staying Healthy When Working Abroad
Primack A. Columbia University Medical School, Division of Society and Medicine, 1994, Dec 2

Book Reviews

The Medical Merry Go Round
Primack A. Anthropological Quarterly, 1983 Jan;56:50-1

Legal and Ethical Issues in Cancer Care in the United States
Primack K; Primack A. Legal Aspects of Medical Practice 1984 Feb;12:6-7


Uptake of Strontium by an osteosarcoma metastatic to Lung
Schall GL, Ziegler L, Primack A, J Nuclear Med 1971; 12:133

Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Carcinoid Syndrome
Primack A, Wilson J, O'Conor GT, Engleman K, Hull E, Canellos GP Cancer 1971;27:1182-9

Potassium Iodide interaction with cyclophosphamide in mice
Primack A. Proc Soc Exper Biol Med 1971; 137:604-5

Amelioration of cyclophosphamide-induced cystitis
Primack A. J Natl Cancer Inst 1971;47:223-7

Syndactyly in a Rhesus monkey
Primack A; Young D; Homan E. A Case Report. Teratology 1971;5:137-42

Mumps virus sialoadenitis: An Autopsy Report
Henson D; Siegel S; Strano AJ; Primack A. Arch Path 1971;92:469-74

Clinical trials of combination chemotherapy with BCNU and vincristine in the treatment of malignant melanoma in Uganda
Primack A; Dhru D; Kiryabuire JWM; Vogel CL. Cancer 1973;31:3337-41

Immunological studies in Ugandan patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
Primack A; Vogel CL; Barker LF. Brit Med J 1973;1:16-19

Treatment of Kaposi's sarcoma with a combination of Actinomycin D and vincristine: results of a randomized clinical trial
Vogel CL; Primack A; Dhru D; Briers P; Owor R; Kyalwazi SK. Cancer 1973;31:1382-91

Effective treatment of Kaposi's sarcoma with 5-(3,3-dimethyl-1-triazeno) imidazole-4-carboxamid (DTIC, NSC 45388)
Vogel CL; Primack A; Owor R; Kyalwazi SK. Cancer Chemother Rep 1973;57(1):65-71

Telangiectasia overlying malignancy
Primack A. Archives of Dermatology. 1973

Alpha fetoprotein in 184 Ugandan patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
Vogel CL; Primack A; McIntire KR; Carbone PP; Anthant PP. Clinical, laboratory, and histopathological conditions. Cancer 1974; 33:959-64

Ectopic production of calcitonin by bronchogenic carcinoma
Silva O; Becker KL; Primack A; Doppman J; Snider RH. Lancet; 1973 Aug 11

First International Workshop for the Therapy of Lung Cancer
Selawry 0; Primack A, eds. Cancer Chemother Rep 1973;4(3):1-320

The surgical management of primary hepatocellular carcinoma in Uganda
Harrison NW; Dhru D; Primack A; Bhana D; Kyalwazi SK. Brit J Surg 1973;60:565-9

The production of markers by bronchogenic cancer
Primack A. Seminars in oncology 1974;1:235-45

Elevated alpha antitrypsin serum levels in lung cancer patients
Harris C; Primack A; Cohen MH. Cancer 1974;34:280-1

Antibacterial effect of cyclophosphamide and isophosphamide
Primack A. International Research communications system 1973 Dec

Phase II clinical trials on BCNU (NSC-409962) and Bleomycin (NSC-12506) in the treatment of Kaposi's sarcoma
Vogel CL; Clements D; Wanume AK; Toya T; Primack A; Kyalwazi S. Cancer Chemother Rep 1973;57(1):325-33

Ectopic secretion of calcitonin by oat-cell carcinoma
Silva LI; Becker KL; Primack A; Doppman J; Snider RH. N Eng J Med 1976;290:1122-4

The search for tumor specific radiopharmaceuticals: Radio-labeled bleomycin
Reba RC; Eckelman WC; Poulose KP; Grove RB; Stevenson JS; Primack A. J Nuclear Med 1974; 15:386-390

Blood coagulation and fibrinolysis in Ugandan patients with cirrhosis and hepatitis
Alpidovsky VK; Vogel CL; Sadlaki E; Primack A. Clin Med (Moscow) 1974;52:91-6

Hypercalcitonemia in bronchogenic cancer
Silva O; Becker KL; Primack A; Doppman J; Snider RH. JAMA 1975;234:183-5

Increased serum calcitonin in bronchogenic cancer
Silva O; Becker KL; Primack A; Doppman J; Snider RH. Chest 1975

Produzione de sostanze-traccia da parte del carcinoma bronchogena: Revision dell "Agremento," in Oncologia
Primack A. Clinica 1975 Dec;1(4):379-98

Vitamin A serum levels and dietary vitamin A intake in lung cancer patients
Cohen M; Primack A; Broder L; Williams L. Cancer Lett 1977;4:51-54

The Voice: An Urban Shaman. Master's Degree Thesis, unpublished. The Catholic University of America
Primack A. 1985

The Collection and Evaluation of Clinical Research Data Relevant to Alternative Medicine and Cancer
Primack, A and John Spencer, eds. Office of Alternative Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, 1996 (NIH Publication)

APC Coding for Facility Levels
Holbrook, J, Primack A, et al. AHA Journal. June, 2000. (In press).

Effects of Gender on the Obstetric-gynecologic workforce
Pearse, Warren, Haffner, W, and Primack, A. Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2001

Why are OB/GYN residencies losing their Allure?
Pearse, Warren, Primack, A, and Haffner, W. Contemporary OB/GYN October, 2001.

The Future of Obesity and Chronic Disease Management in Health Care: The Government Perspective, June 1999
Primack, A. In Obesity Research, volume 10, Supplement 1, 82s – 83s, 2002.

Paradigms and progress in building research capacity in international environmental health
Hrynkow, S, Primack, A, Bridbord K. Int J Hyg Environ health 2003 Aug;206(4-5):413-22

Addressing the growing burden of trauma and injury in low- and middle-income countries
Hofman K, Primack A, Hrynkow S. Am J Public Health. 2005 Jan;95(1):13-7.

Launching the Fogarty International Center International Tobacco Control Research and Training Program
Primack A, et al. Tobacco Control, 2006 Jun;15 Suppl 1:i1-2

Women Health Scientists from Developing Countries: A Pilot Effort for Meeting their Career and Leadership Aspirations and Needs
Page S. Morahana, Ph.D., Deborah F. Diserensa, M.Phil., Rosalyn C. Richman, M.A., Aron Primack, M.D., Karen J. Hofman, M.D. and Sharon Hrynkow, Ph.D. (In Press)

Global Health in Medical Education: A Call for More Training and Opportunities
Drain P, Primack A, et al. Academic Medicine. 2007, March; 82(3): 226-30.

Ethical Review Issues in Collaborative Research Between U.S. and Low - Middle Income Country Partners: A Case Example
McIntosh S, Sierra E, Dozier AM, Diaz S, Quiñones Z, Primack A, Chadwick G, Ossip-Klein DJ (In Press). Bioethics.

Women Health Scientists from Developing Countries: A Pilot Effort for Meeting their Career and Leadership Aspirations and Needs
Page S. Morahan, Ph.D., Deborah F. Diserensa, M.Phil., Rosalyn C. Richman, M.A., Aron Primack, M.D., Karen J. Hofman, M.D. and Sharon Hrynkow, Ph.D. AWIS Magazine, summer, 2006.

Building global environmental health capacity through international scientific cooperation and partnerships.
K Bridbord, JG Breman, A Primack, C Schonwalder, M Rouse, M Ferreira, and S Hrynkow. Int J Occup Environ Health 1 Oct 2006 12(4): p. 295. http://highwire.stanford.edu/cgi/medline/pmid;17168215

Human Subjects Protection in Collaborative Research Between U.S. and Low - Middle Income Country Partners: A Case Example
McIntosh S, Sierra E.,Dozier AM, Diaz S, Quiñones Z, Primack A, Chadwick G, Ossip-Klein DJ (In Press). Bioethics.

Book Chapters

Tumor specific radiopharmaceuticals: radiolabeled bleomycin
Reba R; Eckleman N; Primack A. In Radiopharmaceuticals, Ed. Subramanian G. 1975. (Book)

Production of Markers by bronchogenic carcinoma: a review
Primack A; Broder L; Dizaio R. In Lung Cancer. Straus, M, ed. Grune & Stratton, New York NY 1977 (Book)

Placental Proteins in bronchogenic carcinoma, In Lung Cancer, Progress in Therapeutic Research
Broder L; Rosen S; Weintraub B; Sussman H; Muggia F; Hansen M; Primack A., ed. F Muggia, 1979. Raven Press, New York. Pp 217-225 (Book)

Marker substances in Bronchogenic Carcinoma
Primack A; Dizaio R. 1994 (Book)

“Alternative Medicine and Cancer.” In Alternative Medicine (Medical School Textbook)
Primack, A. CV Mosby, Philadelphia. January, 1999 (second edition, 2002)

Building the Workforce to Address Global Health Challenges in Social Ecology of Infectious Diseases
Pierce Gardner, M.D, Aron Primack, MD, Joshua P. Rosenthal, PhD, Kenneth Bridbord, M.D., MPH. Life Sciences – ELSEVIER 2008


Oxygen dependency of ion transport in isolated turtle bladders
Shilb TP; Brodsky W; Spafford A; Waller D; Primack A. Physiology 1962; 5:208

Chemotherapy of Kaposi's sarcoma
Vogel CL; Dhru D; Primack A; Kyalwazi SK. ACR 1972:196

Hepatocellular carcinoma: recent advances
Primack A. Assoc Phys East Afr 1972

Staging of hepatocellular carcinoma
Primack A; Vogel CL; Kylawazi SL. AACR 1973

Hypercalcitonemia in cancer
Silva O; Becker KL; Primack A; Snider RM. American Society for Pharmacology. Lansing, MI. 1973 Aug

Effect of treatment on alpha fetoprotein levels in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
Primack A; McIntyre KR; Vogel CL; Waldman TA. Third conference and workshop on embryonic and fetal antigens in cancer. Knoxville, TN. 1973 Nov.

Ectopic calcitonin production in two patients with oat cell carcinoma
Silva O; Becker KL; Primack A; Doppman J; Snider RH. Amer Fed Clin Res 1974

Biologic markers in the evaluation of disease status of patients with bronchogenic carcinoma
Broder LE; Walkes TP; Primack A; McIntire RK; Cohen MH. American Soc of Clin Oncol, 1975: abstract no. 1009

Bacteriemia in the cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTLC)
Posner L; Fossiect BE; Eddy JL; Bun PA; Primack A. American Soc Clin Oncol 1979

Intratumoral chemotherapy (CT) for visceral malignancies
Krasnow S; Barts S; Spagnola KM; Gofreed D; Primack A; Cohen M. ASCO Journal 1984 May

Hickman catheters for solid tumor cancer patients
Boyer M; Krasnow S; Primack A. ASCO 1985

Tumor pain following chemotherapy administration: an indicator of treatment failure
Krasnow S; Barker B; Primack A. AACR 1985

Rootwork in Washington, DC
Primack A. The Society for Applied Anthropology, Washington, DC, 1985

Disseminated salmonellosis
Henochowicz S; Nam M; Chu TA; Primack A; Curtin J.

US Health Care Policy on Obesity: American Obesity Association national meeting, September 1999

US Health Care Policy Initiative on Patient Referrals: AHCPR Sept, 1999

Mobilizing resources for anthropological research: American Anthropology Association, November, 2002

posted October, 2008


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