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Show Search Tips
  • Keywords Search: Use a combination of AND, OR, NOT in the Keywords field to help narrow down or expand your search results.
  • Wildcard Searches: Use * in the middle or end of a search to find multiple characters. Neuro* will search for words starting with neuro (i.e. neuroscience, neurobiology, neuropathology). Neuro*logy searches for words starting with neuro and ending with logy.
  • Special Note: Using multiple fields, like Disciplines and Distance Within, will narrow your search results to include only jobs that have all the criteria you select.
  • Disciplines: Checking multiple boxes in the Disciplines section (i.e Botany, Biochemistry) will return all results for each selection.
  • Job Code: If you would like to search by job code, enter the job code in the Keywords textbox and click search

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