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Career Development Workshops

General Information

Please register to attend a seminar/workshop by calling toll-free (866) 998-9908 or sending an email to the following address: Give your name, email address, phone number, and the seminar title and date. You'll receive an email confirmation of your registration within 24 business hours and a reminder note the day before the seminar/workshop.

Attendance is free to employees. Many of the seminars are videocast; please check the NIH videocasting web site prior to the start of the event.

Individuals with disabilities who need sign language interpreters and/or reasonable accommodation to participate in any of the above events should contact the WLC at least 5 days prior to the seminar/workshop by phone at 301-435-1619 or through the Federal Relay at 1-800-877-8339.

Career Workshops Available Onsite to ICs Upon Request

To arrange for a career workshop for your group, please contact:

NIH Work/Life Center
Building 31/Room B2B47
Telephone: 301-435-1619

Career Management Cycle

Are you where you thought you'd be at this stage of your career? Depending on what career stage you're at, you need different kinds of information and skills. Attend this session and learn the fundamentals of managing your career. In addition, you will find out about all the great resources available to you through the NIH Work/Life Center.

Harnessing Your Potential with an IDP

As Casey Stengel once said, "If you don't know where you are going, you'll probably end up somewhere else." Creating an Individual Development Plan (IDP) helps you identify goals and resources as well as develop an action plan. Learn the importance of "beginning with the end in mind."

Resume Writing

Does the thought of revising your resume (or writing a resume for the first time) overwhelm you? If so, this is the workshop for you! Attend this session and learn the fundamentals of resume writing and how to connect your skills, knowledge, and abilities to a future position.

Communicating Effectively

Communicating is one of the most basic things we do as humans. It's also one area we often don't actively develop. Find out about the most common barriers to communication and how strategies such "active listening" can help improve your relationships.

Emotional Intelligence

What is Emotional Intelligence (EI)? It captures what "smarts" doesn't, e.g., initiative, adaptability, collaboration, and performance improvement drive. Learn how "EI" is critical to your career development and professional success and then begin to identify ways to enhance your personal EI.