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January 13, 2009
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House Bills - 109th Congress

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H.R.1020—The National Pain Care Policy Act of 2005

On March 1, 2005, Representative Mike Rogers (R-MI) introduced H.R. 1020, the National Pain Care Policy Act of 2005. The bill would declare adequate pain care research, education, and treatment as national public health priorities. H.R. 1020 would establish the National Center for Pain and Palliative Care Research within NIH to conduct clinical and basic science research into the biology of, the causes of, and effective treatments for pain. It would also establish a national agenda for conducting and supporting pain and palliative care research, and to identify, coordinate, and support research, research training, and related activities with respect to primary and secondary pain. H.R. 1020 was referred to the Committees on Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means, Armed Services, and Veterans' Affairs.

Legislative Update (December 2006): Pain Legislation



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