Public Health

Report on Carcinogens

Review Process for the 12th Report on Carcinogens

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The NTP has revised the RoC review process to enhance the scientific development of the report and address guidance in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Peer Review Bulletin. On August 17, 2006, the NTP released a proposed process for preparation of the 12th RoC and invited public comment (71FR47507). The NTP has reviewed the public comments on the draft process and prepared and released a response to these public comments. On April 16, 2007, the NTP released the final review process applicable for the evaluation of candidate substances (substances that are under consideration for listing in or removing from the RoC) for the 12th RoC [72FR18999]. Two important new elements in the 12th RoC review process are (1) the public peer review of draft background documents by ad hoc scientific expert panels and (2) the public peer review of draft substance profiles by the NTP Board of Scientific Counselors. In addition, the NTP will, on a trial basis, prepare a response to public comments on for the 12th RoC.

Schematic of RoC Process