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  • Alaska Native Health Board
    Promotes the spiritual, physical, mental, social, and cultural well-being and pride of Alaska Native people
  • Alaskan Native Heritage Center
    A Gathering Place that celebrates, perpetuates and shares Alaska Native cultures
  • Alaska Native Regional Corporations
    A gateway to ANRC web sites and other resources
  • Alaska Native Science Commission
    The Alaska Native Science Commission was created to bring together research and science in partnership with the Native community.
  • Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium
    A non-profit health organization, owned and controlled by Alaska Tribal governments and their regional health organizations
  • First Alaskans Institute  More Info
    The First Alaskans Institute was founded by the Alaska Federation of Natives in 1989 as the AFN Foundation.


Alaska Native Tribal/Regional Health Organizations

  • Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association
    The federally recognized tribal organization of the Aleut people in Alaska.
  • Arctic Slope Regional Association
    Serves the communities of the North Slope region.
  • Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation
    Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation was formed by Bristol Bay tribes in 1973, which have grown to include 34 village tribes.
  • Chugachmiut
    The tribal consortium created to promote self-determination to the seven Native communities of the Chugach Region.
  • Copper River Native Association
    The Copper River Native Association provides services for the Ahtna people.
  • Council of Athabascan Tribal Governments
    The council represents the Gwich’in and Koyukon people of the Yukon Flats
  • Eastern Aleutian Tribes
    Eastern Aleutian Tribes was formed  by six regional tribes working together to provide health care to the people of the Aleutians East Borough
  • Ketchikan Indian Community
    Provides services to Alaska Natives and American Indians residing in the Ketchikan Gateway Borough.
  • Kodiak Area Native Association
    The Kodiak Area Native Association service area includes the City of Kodiak and six Alaska Native villages in the Koniag region.
  • Maniilaq Association
    The Maniilaq Association represents twelve federally-recognized tribes located in Northwest Alaska.
  • Mt. Sanford Tribal Consortium
    A tribal consortium of two federally recognized Tribal Councils of Chistochina and Mentasta Lake.
  • Native Village of Eklutna
    Serving the people of the Eklutna tribe.
  • Ninilchik Traditional Council
    The Ninilchik Traditional Council provides services for the Ninilchik Village Tribe.
  • Norton Sound Health Corporation
    Norton Sound Health Corporation serves the health care needs of the Inupiat, Siberian Yupik, and Yup'ik people of the Bering Strait region of northwest Alaska
  • Seldovia Village Tribe
    The Seldovia Village Tribe serves members in the Kachemak Bay.
  • Southcentral Foundation
    Southcentral Foundation is an Alaska Native-owned healthcare organization serving Alaska Native and American Indian people living in Anchorage, the Mat-Su Valley, and 60 rural villages in the Anchorage Service Unit.
  • Southeast Alaska Regional Health Consortium
    A tribal health consortium of 18 native communities in Southeast Alaska.
  • Tanana Chiefs Conference
    The traditional tribal consortium of the 42 villages of Interior Alaska.
  • Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation
    The Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation administers a comprehensive health care delivery system for 50 rural communities in southwest Alaska.

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Last Updated September 30, 2008