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Division of Program Coordination, Planning, and Strategic Initiatives (DPCPSI) National Institutes of Health  •  U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

NIH Director’s Pioneer Award

Evaluation Criteria

Applications will be evaluated based on the likelihood that the applicant will pursue a pioneering approach to a problem of relevance to biomedical or behavioral research, the absence of alternative funding to pursue this direction, and compelling justification for the advantage of evaluation by the Pioneer Award process rather than by the standard peer review process. In particular, reviewers will evaluate:

  • The scientific problem to be addressed: The biomedical or behavioral significance/importance of the problem; the likelihood that, if successful, the project will have a significant impact on this problem; and the innovativeness of the project.
  • The investigator: Evidence for the investigator’s claim of innovativeness/creativity (innovation density) and the demonstrated ability of the investigator to devote at least 51% of his/her effort on to activities supported by the Pioneer Award.
  • The suitability for Pioneer Award mechanism: Evidence that the proposed project is of sufficient risk/impact to make it more suitable for a Pioneer Award than for the traditional NIH grant mechanism and that it is distinct from other research previously or currently conducted by the investigator.

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This page last reviewed: January 30, 2008