Demystifying Medicine - Bacterial Sepsis: A New Epidemic and an Old Receptor

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Air date: Tuesday, January 13, 2009, 4:00:00 PM
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Description: The course includes presentation of patients, pathology, diagnosis and therapy in the context of major disease problems and current research. Primarily directed toward Ph.D. students, fellows, and staff, it is also of interest to medical students and clinicians. The course is designed to help bridge the gap between advances in biology and their application to major human diseases. Each session includes clinical and basic science components which are presented by NIH staff and outside invitees.

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Author: Tara Palmore, MD (NIAID), Gilbert Ashwell, MD (NIDDK), and John Hanover, PhD (NIDDK)
Runtime: 120 minutes
CIT File ID: None
CIT Live ID: 7361