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NIDCD - National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders

[ List By Institute/Center ]   [ List By Research Interest ]

Braun, Allen PET and fMRI Activation Studies of Language
Brenowitz, Stephan D Synaptic Plasticity and Integration in Neural Circuits of the Auditory System
Chadwick, Richard Biomechanics of Cochlear Fine Tuning
Drayna, Dennis Genetic Linkage and Positional Cloning in Human Communication Disorders
Friedman, Thomas Hereditary Hearing Loss
Griffith, Andrew Molecular Analyses of Human and Mouse Models Hereditary Deafness
Horwitz, Barry Large-Scale Neural Modeling and Functional Brain Imaging of Human Cognition
Iwasa, Kuni Biophysical Study of Transduction Processes in Hair Cells
Kachar, Bechara Cellular and Molecular Basis of Auditory Sensory Transduction
Kelley, Matthew Development of the Mammalian Cochlea
Northup, John Structure and Function of Signal-Transducing G-Proteins
Wenthold, Robert Molecular Mechanisms of Synaptic Transmission
Wu, Doris Morphogenesis of the inner ear