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NIAID - National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

[ List By Institute/Center ]   [ List By Research Interest ]

Bloom, Marshall Laboratory of Persistent Viral Diseases
Caughey, Byron Molecular pathogenesis of the transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (prion diseases)
Cohen, Jeffrey Pathogenesis of Viral Diseases
DeLeo, Frank Pathogen Molecular Genetics Section
Evans, Leonard Laboratory of Persistent Viral Diseases
Farber, Joshua The Chemokine System in Lymphocyte Biology and AIDS
Garboczi, David Structural Biology of the Malarial Parasite and its Interactions with the Immune System
Germain, Ronald Functional Analysis, Imaging, and Modeling of Signaling Pathways and Cell-Cell Interactions Regulating Adaptive Immune Responses
Gherardini, Frank Pathogen-Vector Molecular Interaction Section
Hackstadt, Ted Host-Parasite Interactions Section
Jeang, Kuan-Teh Transcriptional and Transforming Functions of HIV-1 Tat and HTLV-I Tax
Lenardo, Michael Molecular regulation of immune tolerance and programmed cell death
Leppla, Stephen Anthrax Toxin: Role in Pathogenesis and Use in Vaccines and Therapeutics
Long, Eric Regulation of natural killer (NK) cell cytotoxicity
Mage, Rose Molecular Immunogenetics: Development and Diversification of B-Lymphocytes
Margulies, David Molecular Basis of Cellular Interactions in the Immune Response
McBride, Alison Segregation and Maintenance of Papillomavirus Genomes
Moss, Bernard Virus replication and host interactions
Paul, William E. Cytokine Biology and Immunological Memory
Portis, John Laboratory of Persistent Viral Diseases
Rosa, Patricia Pathogen-Vector Molecular Interaction Section
Schwan, Thomas Pathogen-Vector Molecular Interaction Section
Schwartz, Ronald T Cell Anergy and Thymic Stromal Cells
Sher, Alan Immunoregulation in murine models of parasitic and bacterial disease
Siebenlist, Ulrich Regulation and Function of NF-kB in Development, Immune Responses and Disease
Sun, Peter Molecular Mechanism of Immuno-receptor Activations
Wellems, Thomas Drug Resistance, Immune Evasion, and Disease Virulence in Malaria
Wynn, Thomas Molecular, Immunological, and Genomic Studies of Important Bacterial (Tuberculosis) and Parasitic (Schistosomiasis) Diseases: Experimental Infections in Transgenic / Knockout Mice are used to Investigate Pathogenic Mechanisms
Xiao, Tsan Structural and Functional Studies of the Innate Immune Signaling Pathways