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NHGRI - National Human Genome Research Institute

[ List By Institute/Center ]   [ List By Research Interest ]

Bailey-Wilson, Joan Genetics of Complex Disorders in Humans
Baxevanis, Andreas Bioinformatics-Based Approaches to Questions in Genomics and Proteomics
Biesecker, Barbara Research into Genetic Counseling and Living with Genetic Conditions
Biesecker, Leslie Molecular genetics of human developmental anomalies
Brody, Lawrence Genetic and molecular mechanisms of human disease
Burgess, Shawn Functional Genomics and Developmental Genetics of the Zebrafish Ear
Candotti, Fabio Primary immunodeficiency diseases: a model for gene therapy using hematopoietic cells
Elnitski, Laura Integrated Analyses of Vertebrate Regulatory Elements Using Computational and Molecular Approaches
Feldman, Benjamin Cellular Differentiation During Vertebrate Gastrulation
Green, Eric Genome Mapping, Sequencing, and Function
Liu, P. Paul Genetic Analysis of Leukemogenesis and Hematopoiesis
Schwartzberg, Pamela Genetic and Biochemical Dissection of Tec Kinase Signaling Pathways in Lymphocytes
Segre, Julie Genetic and Genomic Approach to Understanding the Regulation of Skin Growth and Differentiation
Wilson, Alexander Genometric Analysis of Quantitative Traits
Yang, Yingzi Molecular Genetics of Limb and Skeletal Development