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Getting Support

Graduate School, and life in general, can be stressful. It is important to find time for yourself and your family, even when balancing work and life seems challenging. There are many resources on campus to help you do this. There are also resources to help you learn techniques to manage stress and make the most out of challenging situations – in the lab, at the university, at home, etc.

Feel free to come by the GPP at any time to discuss issues that you are dealing with. We are happy to speak with you confidentially regarding lab conflicts, academic progress, career progression, and issues at home that are impacting your work. At times we will refer you to other NIH resources and when appropriate we will offer to help you speak with your mentors, partnership directors, and/or university advisors. Realize that graduate school will have its challenging moments – students who take advantage of all of the resources available to them, deal more effectively with these challenges.

Here are some campus resources, for finding ways to have fun, get exercise and deal with issues and conflicts that may arise.

  • Career Services Center
  • NIH Recreation and Welfare Association (R&W)
  • Fitness Center
  • NIH Employee Assistance Program
  • Office of the Ombudsman, Center for Cooperative Resolution (CCR)


Career Services Center

It is never too soon to begin thinking about your long-term goals and future career plans. The OITE houses a Career Services Center and Career Library to help you plan for a satisfying career once you complete your training at NIH. Our goal is to ensure that all NIH trainees are aware of the many jobs available to scientists — both at and away from the bench — and to provide the resources necessary for trainees to find a good match. Our career counselors run workshops, lead small group discussions, and schedule individual appointments, open to all, to assist trainees in self-assessment, career exploration, and goal setting.


NIH Recreation & Welfare Association (R&W)

The Recreation and Welfare Association (R&W) is an organization designed to provide employees at NIH with a variety of social, athletic, wellness, educational, and special interest activities. R&W publishes a monthly news letter describing services on campus and also offers planned travel excursions and discounted tickets to various activities and events. Additionally, the Association runs the fitness centers and gift shops located throughout campus. There are a large number of clubs devoted to extracurricular activities sponsored by R&W.  To join R&W you must pay an annual membership fee of $7.00.


Fitness Center

NIH fitness centers are run by the R&W Association; services include weight rooms, aerobics, yoga classes, weight watchers, and personal trainers.

  • Building 31C, B4 C18, 301-496-8746
  • Rockledge I, Room 5070, 301-435-0038

There is another fitness center, The Comfort Zone, located at the National Naval Medical Center.  The main gate of the NNMC is across Rockville Pike from the NIH metro stop.  Your NIH badge gives you access to the base.  The membership fee is $75 for six months.  The center is located in the lower level of Building 23 on the NNMC campus, across the road from Fisher Houses.  Look for the green awning over the entrance. 


NIH Employee Assistance Program
Bldg 31, B2B57

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a confidential service available to all NIH trainees who would like to discuss work or life concerns including life transitions, work-life balance, career progression, substance abuse, family dynamics, or any other issues that you feel impact your ability to succeed as a graduate student. EAP has an open-door policy and is open 9 – 5, Monday thru Friday; you can also call for immediate assistance.


Office of the Ombudsman, Center for Cooperative Resolution (CCR)
Building 31, Room 2B63

The NIH Office of the Ombudsman, Center for Cooperative Resolution (CCR) is a neutral, independent, and confidential resource providing information and assistance to NIH scientists, administrators, trainees, and support staff in addressing work-related issues such as authorship and other scientific disputes, employee-supervisor conflict, racial and ethnic tensions, and difficulties between peers. The CCR is open Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.