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OITE Writing Courses

Event: OITE Writing Courses
Location: Bethesda - January, April, May, JuneBaltimore - FebruaryFrederick - MarchRML & NIEHS - Videocast
Start Date: 1/1/2009 8:00 AM
End Date: 1/1/2009 8:00 AM
Event Details:

The OITE is pleased to offer writing workshops for NIH trainees during almost every month of 2009.  January through November (no offerings in August and December), we will offer one section of “Basic Science Writing” and one session of “Writing and Publishing a Scientific Paper”. 
COURSE TITLE:     Basic Science Writing
AUDIENCE:             All trainees
All scientists know the importance of developing great writing skills.  This 4-week course is for any trainee interested in improving their writing skills.  Designed to be helpful to both native and non-native English speakers, this course will address English grammar basics. 
COURSE TITLE:     Writing & Publishing a Scientific Paper
AUDIENCE:             Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Fellows
This 4-week course is for postdocs and graduate students who, by the start of the class, will have sufficient data to publish a scientific paper. It will be presented by Maggie Meitzler, a professional writer and teacher who also has extensive experience as a scientific editor.
Course Requirements: Each session of the class is limited to 35 participants. In addition to in-class writing practice using short exercises, students will be members of in-class review groups giving feedback to their colleagues. The instructor will provide individual in-class writing guidance and review and analyze weekly writing assignments, providing written feedback. Students interested in taking this class must commit to 8-10 hours per week to writing/editing outside of the classroom. Attendance and active participation at all 4 course sessions is required.

Course Schedules: Sessions will be offered in Bethesda in January, April, May, and June; in Baltimore in February; and in Frederick in March. If interest warrants, as seen by registration numbers, the April session will be Videocast to trainees at RML and NIEHS.   Courses will eventually be scheduled for all months of the year except August and December.  

Visit <> to register for both courses and see detailed course descriptions.