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Grads: Travel Award Competition

Event: Grads: Travel Award Competition
Location: Location
Start Date: 5/21/2008 9:00 AM
End Date: 5/21/2008 9:00 AM
Event Details:

Dear Graduate Students,
The GPP is pleased to announce a travel competition to provide NIH graduate students with funds to travel back to their home university for courses, retreats and/or meetings with university mentors and committee members.  All students are welcome to apply, although preference will be given to students in individual NIH partnerships from international universities.

To apply you must submit a cover letter describing the purpose of the trip, a one-page description of your dissertation research, and your CV.  In your cover letter, you must include the dates of your travel, a clear description of the goals of your trip, and an estimated budget. Your NIH mentor must also submit an electronic letter of support detailing your progress in the lab and discussing the benefits of this travel.  All submissions must be made electronically to Barbara Ward (  Travel must be initiated by September 30, 2008; award amounts will depend on the travel destination and circumstances surrounding the trip.

The deadline for ALL application materials is 9a.m. Wednesday, May 21, 2008.

We hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity.

The GPP Staff