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NIH National Graduate Student Research Festival

Event: NIH National Graduate Student Research Festival
Location: NIH Campus at Bethesda, MD
Start Date: 5/15/2008 8:00 AM
End Date: 5/15/2008 8:00 AM
Event Details:

NIH National Graduate Student Research Festival


The NIH National Graduate Student Research Festival (NGSRF) is an annual two-day event held on the main NIH campus in Bethesda, MD. The Festival introduces 250 advanced graduate students in the sciences to the NIH Intramural Research Program (IRP) with the aim of recruiting them to do postdoctoral training at the NIH. In 2007, 648 applications were received.

The NIH IRP is the world's largest institution focused exclusively on biomedical research. More than 1250 investigators work in laboratories located in Bethesda, Baltimore, and Frederick, MD; Research Triangle Park, NC; Phoenix, AZ; Detroit, MI; and Hamilton, MT. The 240 beds of the new Mark O. Hatfield Clinical Research Center in Bethesda are devoted to clinical research. The IRP is particularly proud of the opportunities it provides to do translational and interdisciplinary research, its extensive resources, and the collaborative atmosphere.

Festival Fact Sheet


Two hundred fifty advanced graduate students (individuals who received or will receive their doctoral degrees between June 2008 and October 2009) of any nationality who are currently studying in the U.S. will be invited to attend. Individuals in MD/PhD programs are welcome to apply if they are planning to proceed immediately to postdoctoral training.

NOTE: International scholars should be aware that, in general, the NIH supports only J-1 visas for postdoctoral trainees.


The two-day Festival includes:

  • Poster presentations by Festival participants.
  • Plenary sessions that address the NIH and how it works, resources for postdoctoral fellows at the NIH, and experiences of former NIH postdoctoral fellows.
  • Scientific sessions highlighting research in the NIH IRP.
  • Tours of the NIH campus and specialized research and clinical facilities.
  • Interviews with NIH investigators interested in hiring postdoctoral fellows.
  • Informal opportunities to interact with current NIH trainees.

You can view the 2008 agenda here. [PDF, 13 KB]


The NIH is known for awarding grants to universities and institutions around the world. The Intramural Research Program is less well known. The Festival was conceived to publicize the exciting postdoctoral research opportunities available at the NIH. It has proven to be an effective mechanism for allowing NIH investigators to interview outstanding postdoctoral candidates face-to-face.


The Festival is held on the main NIH campus in Bethesda, MD. Investigators at off-campus locations participate via satellite connection. Participants are housed in Bethesda, within walking distance or a brief subway ride of the NIH. The NIH covers the cost of participant travel to and from the NIH and shared hotel accommodations. Meals are provided.


The 2008 NIH National Graduate Student Research Festival will take place on September 11 and 12.


Interested graduate students must apply online to participate in the Festival. The application will be available from early April to May 15. Applications will be judged by NIH investigators based on an abstract describing the applicant's research, applicant curriculum vitae, a letter of recommendation from the applicant's dissertation advisor, a cover letter from the applicant, and goodness of fit between the applicant's interests and the mission of the NIH. Applicants will be notified of decisions on June 20.