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Writing About Science – An Intensive Half-Day Seminar

Event: Writing About Science – An Intensive Half-Day Seminar
Location: Location: NIH Bethesda Campus
Start Date: 10/19/2007 9:00 AM
End Date: 10/19/2007 12:00 PM
Event Details:

Writing About Science – An intensive half-day seminar – Friday, October 19, 2007 from 9am-12pm

This half-day seminar will be presented by Myrna Watanabe, a professional writer and teacher.  The seminar will provide answers to some of the most common questions from first-time authors.

  • How do I know when I’m ready to publish?
  • Which journals should I contact?
  • How do I follow the required format?
  • What is the difference between the discussion and the results?
  • What are the rules of good, crisp writing?
  • How do I write a great abstract?
  • What is the best use of illustrations?
  • What is peer review all about?
  • What happens if it’s rejected?

This seminar is open to all GPP students.  It will be held on the Bethesda campus.  It is aimed at students who are interested in learning the basics of publishing a paper.  You must register by October 1, 2007 in order to attend: Register Me