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GS3 - Gulcin Pekkurnaz & Marieke Mur

Event: GS3 - Gulcin Pekkurnaz & Marieke Mur
Location: Building 10-CRC / Room 3-1608
Start Date: 8/16/2007 12:00 PM
End Date: 8/16/2007 1:00 PM
Event Details:

Hey everyone,

It is hard to think that another month has gone by, but we are now into August and it is time for another exciting installment of the GS3.  I have two speakers who are ready to give some interesting talks.  I do hope many of you will join us.  We will be in a different room due to the Grad Lounge being repaired.  So be sure to check the room number!! 

Our Speakers this month are:

Gulcin Pekkurnaz
“Imaging of lipidic pores in bilayer lipid membranes”


Marieke Mur
“How face familiarity and identity change modulate human inferotemporal activation during face perception”

Don’t forget, we will have light refreshments provided.  I will bring a dessert and Sprite and Coke.  If you have a preference for another beverage (water, juice, coffee, etc.), feel free to bring your own. 

Details of our meeting are as follows

What:  GS3
When: Thursday August 16, 2007
Time: 12-1pm
Place:  CRC, building 10, new section, Room 3-1608

I hope to see many of you there!!

Take care,