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2007 Lindau Nobel Laureates Meeting

Event: 2007 Lindau Nobel Laureates Meeting
Location: Lindau, Germany
Start Date: 7/14/2007 8:00 AM
End Date: 7/6/2007 5:00 PM
Event Details:

On behalf of the Graduate Partnerships Program (GPP) and the organizers of the Lindau Conference I am pleased to announce the NIH will be represented by the following four graduate students selected from twenty-four applications:

  • Brian Capell (NHGRI) - Individual Agreement with New York University
  • Kee Chan (NHGRI) - Individual Agreement with Yale University
  • Gabriel Eichler (NCI) - NIH-Boston University Partnership
  • Jodi Gilman (NIAAA) - NIH-Brown University Partnership

Additional Announcements

Lindau HomePage

Island Getaway with Nobel Laureates

Daily Trip Report


Sharon Milgram
Graduate Partnerships Program
Office of Intramural Training & Education