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GS3 - Brenna Hill & Kristina Buac

Event: Graduate Student Seminar Series - Brenna Hill & Kristina Buac
Location: Building 10-CRC / Room 5-2341 (Different from last month)
Start Date: 12/14/2006 12:00 PM
End Date: 12/14/2006 1:00 PM
Event Details:

Hi Everyone!!

Wow, it seems like no time has gone by and now it is already another month and we are having another exciting GS3 meeting!  Our first one went splendidly and I am hoping we can continue the tradition.  We are meeting next Thursday (December 14th) at noon.  With great thanks to Dr. Sharon Milgram, Rick and Caroline, we will have a wonderful feast of sandwiches and chips again.  I will be bringing some sodas and a dessert, but feel free to bring your own beverage if you prefer. 

This month our speakers will be yours truly (yeah, that would be me) and I will be talking about:

“siRNA Mediated Modulation of T Cell Receptor Expression”

Our second speaker will be Kristina Buac who will talk about:

"Genetic analysis of wireless, an ENU-induced mutation that disrupts neural crest development"

Complete details are as follows:

GS3 Second meeting
Date:  December 14th, 2006
Time:  12:00 - 1:00pm
Place: Buildin 10-CRC / Room 5-2341 (Different from last month)

I hope to see many of you there!!  I will send out a reminder next week too!!
