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GSC July 2006 Meeting

Event: GSC: July Meeting
Location: Building 10-CRC / Room 4-2480
Start Date: 7/10/2006 5:00 PM
End Date: 7/10/2006 6:30 PM
Event Details:

Yes its time for a new month, which means its time for a new GSC meeting.  Come to Bldg 10 Rm 4-2480 (the room we always have it in) on Monday, July 10.  For those new students, who are highly encouraged to come, this is just inside the north (new) entrance to the clinical center (bldg 10).  Go up the north-east elevators to the fourth floor, then follow your nose to the pizza, or just walk across the hall.  We'll discuss the upcoming retreat and other things.  And we'll give you pizza.  Good lively discussion and food, we expect to see you all Monday.

Jeff and Phil
GSC Co-Chairs

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