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GSC: Pathways - February 2005: Dr. Jeremy Berg

Event: Pathways
Location: Building 10 / Graduate Student Lounge
Start Date: 2/22/2005 12:30 PM
End Date: 2/22/2005 2:00 PM
Event Details:

Hope to see you there!


What are Pathway Discussions?:

This monthly NIH graduate student series is intended to provide NIH graduate students the opportunity to meet and converse with outstanding scientists from diverse backgrounds (e.g. NIH, academia, pharmaceuticals, biotech) as well as your fellow NIH grad student peers. Through these interactions, sponsored by the GPP, we hope NIH graduate students are able to identify career paths that match their interests/skills and become informed on how to pursue these careers following their training at the NIH. Pathway Conversations are usually held the first Friday of each academic month.