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Mandatory Training Inventory
Frequently Asked Questions
and Troubleshooting

What is the web-based Mandatory Training Inventory (MTI)?

The MTI helps employees determine the mandatory training courses they are required to complete based on where they work at NIH, as well as their full time equivalent (FTE) category, supervisory role, and job activities. Detailed information is provided to employees through the MTI for each course in the database.

Why was the Mandatory Training Inventory developed?

In response to concerns about mandatory training, the NIH Deputy Director for Management tasked an NIH committee, the Mandatory Training Committee (MTC), to inventory mandatory training and make information about mandatory training courses available to employees. With the assistance of CIT, the MTC has developed a database that stores mandatory training information. The training database is accessible to employees through the web-based Mandatory Training Inventory (MTI).

Does the MTI track my training or interface with other systems that track my completion of training, such as Annual Ethics Training?

No, the MTI does not track or interact with other systems that track your completions of required training. The MTI is a tool you can use to determine your mandatory training requirements.

In the fall of 2008, you will be able to enter and track your training in the Department of Health and Human Services Learning Management System at Until then, tracking of online training is managed by that individual training's website, for which business owners are responsible. If you are having trouble with a website referenced by or linked to the MTI, please contact that site's help desk (or the NIH Helpdesk) directly.

Why do I see job activities displayed that don’t seem to apply to the work I perform?

The Inventory was designed to capture a broad spectrum of job activities that NIH employees perform. For example, while some employees perform administrative activities most of the time, they may perform activities that require them to take certain scientific safety courses.

Some job activities don’t make sense to me and I’m not sure if I should select them.

Some Institutes and Centers have a different definition of a particular job activity. It is recommended that you consult with your supervisor or team leader if you are unsure whether an activity applies to you.

I can’t see my entire training profile. What should I do?

Use the scroll buttons to move down and across the page to see your remaining training courses. You can also print out your profile by clicking the print friendly button and selecting print from the file menu in your web browser.

How does the Inventory determine what classes appear on my training profile?

As of July 2008, there are 87 mandatory training courses. Don’t worry, you probably will not have to take all of them. When you select your position status, supervisor status, and job activity(ies), the Inventory uses these criteria to narrow down from a large list of mandatory training. Each of these selections are linked to a list of courses that appear in your training course list.

Some training courses appear that do not seem to apply to me?

It is recommended that you review your training list with your supervisor. You may discover initially that some courses do not apply to you. Sometimes mandatory training requirements change. To change the courses that are displayed, use the “hyperlinks” at the top of the training course screen and select the “Position Activity” link to change your selections. You can also cut and paste your print friendly version into a spreadsheet and edit your training profile.

Why do I see courses that I’ve already taken on my training profile?

The Inventory was designed to capture a broad spectrum of job activities that NIH employees perform. The MTI does not interact with other systems that may track your training and therefore you may see courses that you’ve already taken. You can cut and paste your print friendly version into a spreadsheet and delete the rows of training that you have already taken.

Why do some of my courses display more than once?

Certain job activities may have the same or similar courses. As a result, you may see a required training displayed more than once. To change the courses that are displayed, use the “hyperlinks” at the top of the training course screen and select the “Position Activity” link to change your selections. You can also cut and paste your print friendly version into a spreadsheet and delete the rows of training that do not apply to you.

I don’t see training I know I am required to take for my job. Will these be added later?

The Inventory will be updated continuously as new mandatory training requirements are identified and reviewed according to the procedures in the NIH Mandatory Training manual chapter. If you are aware of training that may need to be included, please contact the training center at Also, some Institutes and Centers (IC’s) may require their employees to take training not listed in this Inventory. The Inventory does not include training required by individual IC’s. You should check with your supervisor to see if additional training is required.

What if my position status, organization, position/role, or job activities change?

If your position status, organization, position/role, or job activities change, you can always return to the MTI homepage and create a new list of training based on your changes.

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