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All About the CGAP Library Finder Tool


The CGAP Library Finder Tool can find any cDNA library from dbEST. In addition, you can narrow your search to CGAP or MGC or ORESTES, all of which are subsets of dbEST. The search first returns a single library or a list of libraries, each of which is linked to its own Library Info page where details of the library and its preparation can be found.

What to Put In the Search Fields

Search Field Options
Organism Select "Homo sapiens" or "Mouse" from the drop down box.
Library Group Select one of the following library groups to search:
  • The default setting of "CGAP Libraries".
  • MGC libraries (The Mammalian Gene Collection)
  • ORESTES libraries.
  • All EST libraries, which include CGAP, MGC, and ORESTES libraries, as well as other libraries from dbEST which do not belong to any of these three major categories.
Or, press the [ALT] and [Ctrl] keys together and highlight more than one group.
Tissue Type Keep the default setting of "Any" to search all tissue types, or select one specific tissue.
Tissue Preparation Keep the default setting "Any" that includes all library preparation methods listed in Tissue Preparation Overview, or choose one specific method.
Tissue Histology Keep the default setting "Any" that includes normal, pre-cancerous, and cancer histology, or select a specific histology.
Library Protocol Keep the default setting "Any" that includes all library protocol methods. The protocols listed below the line are CGAP specific protocols described in cDNA Library Protocols Overview.
Library Name With all of the above settings at default, enter the exact name of a CGAP or MGC library, e.g., NCI_CGAP_Pr1 or NIH_MGC_50 to find a specific library. Or use part of the library string, e.g., Soares, Ov3, NCI_CGAP_Br to find a subset of libraries.
Order results bySelect one of the five criteria to order the list of libraries on the Library List page.

Examples of Library Searches

There are many combinations of library criteria and therefore you can search the library collections from many different vantage points. Here are some examples:

  • Select "Human", "All EST Libraries", "prostate" and "cancerous", to generate a list of all human prostate cancer libraries. Add "microdissected" to the query to limit the search to only microdissected libraries.
  • Select "Human", "CGAP" and "Normalized" to find all CGAP normalized libraries.
  • Select "Human", "All EST libraries", and "Soares" to find all libraries prepared by Dr. Bento Soares.

The Library List Page

The results of a given library search are returned on the Library List page. All the libraries are contained in a table that has six criteria: Name, Tissue, Histology, Preparation, Protocol, and Keywords. By selecting one of the five criteria (in #3 of the Library Tool), you can order and reorder the libraries.

For example, the same 19 human, CGAP, prostate libraries could be ordered by:

  • Preparation, which lists the bulk libraries first, followed by the cell lines, and finally the microdissected libraries.
  • Histology, which lists the cancer libraries first, followed by the precancer and finally the normal libraries.
  • Protocol, which lists the libraries first by Krizman, followed by Soares non-normalized, Soares subtracted, and Stratagene non-normalized protocols.

The Library Info Page

The Library Info Page provides information about the library, and includes:

  • Library reference information and keywords
  • The number of clones and sequences generated to date
  • Library construction details
  • The name and type of vector
  • The lab host
  • Tissue supplier and library producer

Return to the Library Finder Tool.

If you have any questions, comments, or need information about CGAP, please contact the NCI CGAP Help Desk.