
Latest news from the EU drugs agency

Drug use, a growing challenge for EU road safety (11.12.2008)

hand on steering wheel

As Europeans prepare for the festive season, the EMCDDA issued today its latest report on drugs and driving. While alcohol remains the number one substance endangering lives on European roads, more drivers are now found to be using illicit drugs and psychoactive medicines, presenting a number of challenges for policy-makers. The report, Drug use, impaired driving and traffic accidents, a review of the latest research in this field, explores the potential impact on road safety.

Concerns are expressed in the report over the prevalence of drivers under the influence of drugs on EU roads as well as the detection of a broader range of drugs. ‘The range of psychoactive substances available for illicit use today is widening’, says the report 'and the latest studies which look for evidence of their use in drivers are indeed finding increased rates'.


Wastewater analysis, a promising prospect for drug monitoring (03.12.2008)

A novel approach to monitoring illicit drug use in the community is showcased in the latest edition of the EMCDDA Insights series.

State of the drugs problem in Europe

Opioids still at heart of Europe's drug phenomenon (06.11.2008)

Opioids are still at the heart of Europe’s drug phenomenon. And signs of change in our heroin and synthetic opioid problem mean that countries need to be vigilant and prepared to respond. Read more >>

Cannabis: 'Stronger signals' of declining popularity (06.11.2008)

Cannabis is still Europe’s most commonly consumed illicit drug but, in some important markets, there are now stronger signals of the drug’s waning popularity, reinforcing the analysis presented in last year’s Annual report. Read more >>

Inside emcdda.europa.eu

Annual report package

Annual report on the state of the drugs problem in Europe presents the EMCDDA's yearly overview of the drug phenomenon. As the Centre's key output, it is essential reading for policymakers, specialists and practitioners in the drugs field or indeed anyone seeking the latest findings on drugs in Europe. The report is complemented by a number of related products which are also listed below.

Recent publications

  • Driving thumbnailInsights 8: Drug use, impaired driving and traffic accidents December 2008 This literature review provides a comprehensive report on the relationship between drug use, impaired driving and traffic accidents.
  • Wastewater thumbnailInsights 9: Assessing illicit drugs in waste water December 2008 This report looks at how analysing communal wastewater (e.g. from treatment plants) for residues of illicit drugs can provide real-time insights into local drug consumption levels and changing trends.
  • Annual report 2008: the state of the drugs problem in Europe November 2008 Overview of the European drugs phenomenon in 30 countries. Drug facts, figures and analyses: across Europe and by country. Latest trends and legal, political, social and health responses. Available in 23 languages.
  • Selected issue No 3, 2008 November 2008 Drugs and groups of vulnerable young people. This review discusses risk factors and consequences of vulnerability, and highlights policies and interventions developed in 30 countries.
  • Drugnet Europe 64 November 2008 In this issue: Annual report 2008 with the latest on the drugs problem across Europe; drugs and vulnerable groups of young people; national drug-related research in Europe; towards a new EU drugs action plan; country overviews; and new EMCDDA products and services.
  • Monitoring the supply of cocaine to Europe October 2008 This datasheet provides a short review of key issues relating to how cocaine is manufactured in Latin America and transported to European consumers.

All publications >>


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  • EMCDDA publications

About the EMCDDA

The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) is one of the European Union's decentralised agencies. Established in 1993 and based in Lisbon, it is the central source of comprehensive information on drugs and drug addiction in Europe. Read more >>

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