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National Institutes of Health
Office of Community Liaison
Meeting Minutes July 16, 1998

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Core Community Working Group Meeting Minutes
4:00 p.m., July 16, 1998
Natcher Conference Center, Room D

Ms. Hedetniemi welcomed attendees and members, and introduced the following presenters:

Mr. Ashok K. Anand, Office of Research Services, Construction and Center Drive Access
Ms. Stella Serras-Fiotes, NIH Master Planner, Impact on the NIH Master Plan of the CRC Footprint
Mr. Paul Gilbo, BaseTen, Incorporated, Demonstration and Discussion of OCL Web Site


Draft Minutes, June 1998 CCWG Meeting
Campus Map showing Phase 1-A and 1-B of Center Drive Relocation Project
1998 Science in the Cinema Schedule
July 1998 R&W Newsletter
NIH Free Outdoor Film Festival Schedule


Construction and Center Drive Access: Mr. Ashok K. Anand, Office of Research Services

Mr. Anand's presentation focused on the construction to relocate Center Drive as part of the Clinical Research Center construction. He explained that Center Drive is to be elevated and moved to the north, and that a new 24" sewer line also is being installed. The majority of the construction to realign Center Drive will take place in August and September. During construction, Center Drive will remain open but the traffic pattern will change. Between Wilson Drive and Memorial Drive, one lane of westbound traffic will remain open. Eastbound traffic will be detoured at Memorial Drive. Westbound bus routes will remain the same, and eastbound bus routes (the J1, J2, J3, and #34 Ride-On) will stop at Building 10, exit the campus onto Cedar Lane, turn back into the campus at Wilson Drive, stop at Building 31 and Building 1, and then proceed to the metro. The bus stops at Building 10 will not be affected by the Center Drive construction.

Mr. Randy Schools inquired about road closures on Saturdays, stating that he had occasionally experienced Memorial Drive being closed on Saturdays and wondered about the effect of such a closure on the re-routing of eastbound Center Drive traffic. Mr. Anand indicated that any Saturday road closure is an isolated occurrence and no closures are planned during the time of the Memorial Drive detour.

Mr. Anand also stated that the change in traffic pattern would affect people driving from Old Georgetown Road to Route 355, and that a large electronic sign would be installed in front of Building 10 to alert community residents about the detour. He also mentioned that the entrance to the visitor's parking lot facing Building 31 would be moved from Center Drive to Memorial Drive.

Impact on the NIH Master Plan of the CRC Footprint: Ms. Stella Serras-Fiotes, NIH Master Planner

CCWG Chairperson, Ms. Janyce Hedetniemi, introduced Ms. Serras-Fiotes by reporting to CCWG members that the revised CRC footprint is requiring more acreage than originally anticipated. This increase has an impact on several proposals contained in the NIH Master Plan, and NIH is working to plan the best repositioning of the affected projects. Ms. Serras-Fiotes stated that the affected projects include 1) a day care center site, 2) the area for an adult guest house, 3) the relocation of the NIH fire department, and 4) a multi-level parking facility. She also reported that a new, small electric substation will be built on the northwest side of the campus in order to provide adequate electricity to the CRC, the new vaccine research facility, and Building 50 through the year 2010. After examining various options in conjunction with Pepco, including the expansion and upgrading of an existing substation that would cause major disruption on campus, it appears that the most feasible plan is the construction of a small substation. This construction will further impact the Master Plan projects mentioned above.

The Office of Research Services is developing an amendment to the NIH Master Plan, and Ms. Serras-Fiotes noted that the fire station relocation plans are on hold until the amendment is developed. Two ORS staff members stated that of 13 different options considered, only two hold promise of a satisfactory resolution of the projects affected by the CRC footprint.

Option one would place the multi-level parking garage where the parking lot at the northwest corner of the campus now is. The adult guest house would be located near the Convent, and the new fire department would be built in back of Building 10 and the day care center would be on the northwest side of the new CRC, on the other side of the newly aligned Center Drive.

Option two would locate the adult guest house in the same place as proposed in option one, a location that is easily accessible and is close to the Convent, another residential facility. Also, as in the option one, the day care center would be located by the current West Drive (and on the future loop road, making pick up and drop off convenient). The parking facility behind Building 10 (southwest corner) could be larger than in option one, with up to 11 stories (some above ground and some below ground) and between 1,200 and 1,300 spaces. The fire department would be located in the northwest corner of the campus at the current site of the outdoor paved parking area.

Mr. Jim Ward, CCWG representative from Ayrlawn, asked if the parking structure in option one would extend into the buffer zone and Ms. Serras-Fiotes replied that it would not. This is because 1) NIH will conduct a tree inventory in an effort to conserve as many trees as possible, and 2) NIH will need to conduct a topographic survey to determine what options fit best into the topography, both visually and in terms of constructability. Ms. Hedetniemi stated that the current paved area is partially in the buffer zone. She also mentioned that in the future, all buffer zone parking is due to disappear according to the Master Plan.

Ms. Ginny Miller, CCWG Co-chairperson, remarked that NIH may receive complaints from community residents if the fire station is located close to the perimeter of the campus. However, in terms of noise from the fire department, it was noted that the fire house will have no outside alarm and no sirens will sound when trucks go out. It was also noted that the NIH fire station sometimes works with community fire stations, so access to a main road is a plus in those cases. Ms. Hedetniemi also noted that the consensus is that the tree impact would be less if the fire station, not the multi-level parking garage, were placed in the northwest corner of the campus. The tree inventory will confirm whether this is correct. In addition, NIH fire department personnel have indicated that they would like the station to be as close to the residential part of NIH as possible; therefore, the northwest corner location is quite suitable. In addition, a new fire house is sorely needed. Mr. Anthony Clifford of the Office of Research Services explained that NIH has no real fire station; the trucks currently are housed under sheds. This is not an ideal situation especially in cold weather when frost forms on the windows.

Because the storm water pond will displace current parking, a new garage also is mandatory. Ms. Hedetniemi noted that placing the parking facility near Building 10 may be preferable to placing it in the northwest corner, because it would be easier for employees to walk to Building 10 and would cut down on traffic on the northwest side of the campus.

At the close of this discussion, Mr. Schools remarked on the need for additional residential facilities on campus (citing the fact that some summer interns were unable to find housing this summer and had to return home) but noted that the adult guest house will need to be built with voluntary funds.

OCL Web Site Demonstration, Mr. Paul Gilbo and Mr. Robert Gilbo, BaseTen, Inc.

The prototype OCL Web site was demonstrated to the group, and many useful comments and suggestions were made. In no order of priority, these comments and suggestions include the following:

  • The site is easy to navigate, using both button or text navigation.
  • Some buttons should be renamed to more clearly identify to the user what information the button leads to.
  • Add a map of the NIH campus (or add a link to ORS' map).
  • Include a separate button for "selected links."
  • Add schedule of future meetings.
  • Add future agenda items.
  • Add a button to the front page for coming events/breaking news that would include recent actions by the CCWG.
  • Add an explanation/mission statement of what the CCWG is (for the typical community user).
  • Change the name of the CCWG button to be more informative to the community user.(1)

Mr. Steve Kornblatt, CCWG representative from Edgewood-Glenwood, asked what the purpose of the site is, and Ms. Hedetniemi replied that is it to serve as one of OCL's links to the community. This sparked discussion of how to make the site more user friendly to the average community user, who is unlikely to be familiar with some of the acronyms and terms used on the site. Mr. Kornblatt also suggested letting people comment on the site while it is in development as a way of getting feedback from community users.

The next step in site development will be to reassess the current site in light of the many suggestions received at the meeting and to investigate ways of obtaining community feedback/input about the site in order to make it easily accessible by and useful to community members and other non-NIH users.


Reassess Web site to incorporate specific suggestions made above and take steps to ensure that site meets the needs of the community users.


The next meeting of the Community Liaison Council (formerly CCWG) will be Thursday, September 17 at 4:00 p.m. in Natcher Conference Center.


Janyce Hedetniemi, Director, OCL, NIH
Barbara McDonald, Community Specialist, OCL, NIH
Ashok K. Anand, Office of Research Services
Jeanne Billings, Wisconsin Condominium Association
Anthony Clifford, Office of Research Services
Ned Daly, Boston Properties
Robyn Des Roches, Edgewood-Glenwood Citizens Association
Tom Eichbaum, KCF/SHG
Paul Gilbo, BaseTen, Inc.
Robert Gilbo, BaseTen, Inc.
Morton Goldman, Luxmanor Citizens Association
Jeanne Goldstein, Chevy Chase Valley Citizens Association
Stuart Knoop, Oudens + Knoop
Stephen Kornblatt, Edgewood-Glenwood Citizens Association
C. Kosmela, KCF/SHG
Ginny Miller, CCWG Co-Chair, Wyngate Citizens Association
Frank O'Rourke, Whitehall Condominium
Randy Schools, R&W, Inc.
Stella Serras-Fiotes, Division of Engineering Services, NIH
Jim Ward, Ayrlawn Citizens Association

(1) This point led to a discussion of changing the name of the CCWG: Ms. Hedetniemi charged the group to come up with a different, more easily understood name. The name "Community Liaison Council" was favored by the group.


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