Peer Review Agenda
Document, Report, or Other Product Information
Title: Toxicology and Carcinogenesis Studies of Ethinyl Estradiol (chronic study)
Subject: Potential carcinogenicity of ethinyl estradiol
Purpose (e.g., abstract): Draft technical report for public peer review
ISI of HISA: ISI (Influential Scientific Information)
Link to Information Product: N/A
IC Division, Office, or Program: DIR
NIH Contact: Mary Wolfe
Review Description: Panel review by the NTP Board of Scientific Counselors
Date of Review: May 16-17, 2007
Reviewer Names and Expertise
Number of Reviewers: 4-10
Reviewer Nominations Requested? No
Roster: View Roster
Reviewer Expertise: toxicology, carcinogenesis, molecular biology, immunology, biostatistics
How Selected: National Toxicology Program
Opportunity for Public Comment? Yes, the availability of the draft information product will be announced in the Federal Register, about 6 weeks prior to the meeting
Reviewers Given Comments? Yes