What's New in ClinicalTrials.gov

Recently Added Studies

ClinicalTrials.gov contains thousands of studies conducted around the world to test the effect of experimental drugs, devices and procedures for many diseases and conditions. New studies are received daily.
You can search for studies received within a range of dates. To try this, click on one of the links above. This will show recently received studies with a Refine Search tab near the top. Click on Refine Search to modify the search just performed. Add search terms and adjust the First Received dates (near the bottom of the page) as desired. Then, press Search.

ClinicalTrials.gov Archive Site

Historical views of all records are now available via the ClinicalTrials.gov archive site. You will need to supply the NCT number of the record whose history you wish to view. The NCT number can be found at the bottom of every study record.

Information on Selected ClinicalTrials.gov Studies

ClinicalTrials.gov records with published results listed via the PubMed medical literature search service.