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Web Services Overview
Service Documentation | OpenGIS Map Server | Sample Map Server | TerraService WSDL | LandmarkService WSDL

TerraServer supports a Tiling Web Service that enables our users to build applications on their computer systems that integrate with USGS imagery found on our web site. If you are unfamiliar with Web Services, you can download our Web Service white paper and learn about the TerraServer web service.

Start with TerraService Documentation to learn how to program using the TerraService web service.

The Sample Map Server is an application based on the Microsoft TerraService .NET Web Service. Use it as example of what you can do using the TerraService tiling methods.

TerraServer supports OpenGIS Web Map standards. Visit the OpenGIS Map Server based on Version 1.1.1 of the OGC Web Map Server specification.

Our OpenGIS Web Map Server now supports dynamic reprojection of USGS DOQ and DRG data from UTM NAD83 to Geographic projection (EPSG:4326)! New styles have been added to draw gridlines in a number of different colors. Click here to view a web map that contains DOQ imagery from two UTM zones reprojected to Geographic. The image displays the UTM coordinates in Cyan. The location is New Orleans, Louisiana.

Visit OpenGIS Capabilities to retrieve the OpenGIS Web Map Server's GetCapabilities XML document.

Access the TerraService WSDL file. If you have Visual Studio.NET, you can reference this file using the Web References item found on the Project menu.

Access the LandmarkService WSDL file. The LandmarkService contains methods to access the geo-location (longitude and latitude) of well known places such as schools, golf courses, hospitals, etc. You can use LandmarkService methods and TerraService methods together to build layered maps.

This web site and services are running the released versions of VS.NET 2003 and .NET Framework 1.1. The About .NET web site contains more information about .NET technologies.

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