Substack Maker

Author: Anthony Padua (padua001 at
Daniel Barboriak, MD (barbo013 at
Duke University Medical Center
History: 2003/06/26: First version
2004/12/10: Calibration is carried over to the substack
2005/11/02: Macro recordable
Requires: ImageJ 1.30m or newer
Installation: Download Substack_Maker.class to the plugins folder and restart ImageJ.
Description: The purpose of this plugin is to extract selected images from a stack to make a new substack. It would take one of two types of input: either a range of images (e.g. 2-14) or a list of images (e.g. 7,9,25,27,34,132) and copy those images from the active stack to a new stack in the order of listing or ranging.

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