Raw File Opener

Author: Wayne Rasband (wayne@codon.nih.gov)
Requirements:Requires ImageJ 1.21e or later and Java 2 (e.g. JDK 1.2 or JDK 1.3).
Restrictions:JFileChooser does not support network volumns or mouse wheels. Multi-file selections may not work with versions of Java before JDK 1.3.
Source: Raw_File_Opener.java
Installation: Copy Raw_File_Opener.class to the plugins folder and restart ImageJ.
Description: This plugin is an alternative version of File/Import/Raw that uses Swing's JFileChooser to provide the ability to import multiple raw images. In the file open dialog, shift-click to select multiple contiguous files and control-click to select more than one individual file. The "Open All Files in Folder" check box in the import dialog is ignored.

This plugin requires that you upgrade to Java 2, version 1.3, available from

and run ImageJ using a command something like
java -mx48m -jar ij.jar
Increase the -mx option value to make more than 48MB of RAM available to ImageJ. On Windows, create a shortcut to a batch file containing this command and setup the shortcut to run Minimized and to Close on Exit.

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